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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Anyway, where were you all day? :3
    And also, what's your opinion on my new avatar? (I got three people who preferred the Buizel/human blend).
    Let's not forget the massive rant about moochers like him ruining the country, and that hawhawhaw, your race can't even pay attention.

    They attacked him. Because he's from Peru. Not actually hurting him, but you wouldn't believe the hings that asshole said to him...

    He does'nt even KNOW what racism IS. He's six, and all he knows is that there are people are different. Some like diferent people, and some look a little different. He doesn't care, he's, like..one of those kids that can go up to anyone, and just...talk.

    Now, he doesn't want to leave the house. The fucker THREATENED HIM WITH A TROWEL.


    Gahhhhh >< I have bad experienced with this ALREADY BUT AGAIN AUGH
    The ones you see on the collage. (Mehwmew was also supposed to be in on it but...y'know. Minkow, too; she drew you). You should go thank Scy, he was the one who thought about giving you a gift. (Mike thought up the collage idea though). ^.^
    See, Nottie? Me and Scy weren't in on it; we and all your friends we could contact were in on it. ^.^
    Do realize that I'm not trying to put up an argument with you, I'm seriously happy (and sorta relived) that you came back.
    Okay, I'm back, but I dunno for how long. :P I may have to switch computers though (if only my dad would sleep now...)

    EDIT: Nevermind. Night.
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    Deformed starfy says hi.
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