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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Yep. Scy is just going overboard with the whole thing. -_-;;;; I hope he fails at convincing Typh, too. I give him no right to interfere with my... pending friendship with Typh. That's a battle between me and her!
    How. Can. You. Respect. That.

    I'm sick of this attitude in people. I can deal with it to myself, but my friends...My friends, however...

    I think you get the idea.

    ..i'm never going to put this past you, am i?
    Phew, sorry for taking so long to reply; I just HAD to take care of something really important to me...

    Anyway, no, there's nothing. Honest!
    Well, I'm not sure if Scy has something for you but I do have something that does require your presence... but it's still a secret. ;)
    Same here. Since I like Latin names, I'll often look at their meanings and discover new roots. For instance, since Magnus apparently means great, I thought there could possibly be some connection between it and words like magnify, magnificent, etc. which all have similar meanings. I haven't confirmed this, though.
    Yeah but you didn't give any mention and stayed an extra three days. We were afraid, okay?
    This is why I scoff at people who say there is no life on other planets.

    Homeschool was pretty meh, actually. It's just like having homework all day, especially since we didn't do as much hands-on stuff as we probably should have, partly due to not being able to find a lot of the stuff we needed for, say, science projects. You know, just working out of textbooks a whole lot.

    I must say, though, I really liked English class. The book we were using focused on word roots rather than specific words. If you know what a word root means you can easily decipher foreign words with familiar roots. It got me interested in roots from other languages, too. Most people know that a lot of them come from Latin, but there's a surprising amount of German in there too if I remember right.

    I just bored you half to death, didn't I? XP
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