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Notoriously Unknown

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  • We weren't afraid that you were DEAD, (well mehwmew was a bit) but we were afraid that you were INJURED. There's a difference.
    ..sometimes I'm not interested...I've found that very few things tht used to interest me..aren't interesting much anymore.

    We were afraid you got hurt or something. I know you prolly don't want us to fret about you, but you didn't come back and gave no notice. We were freaking afraid.
    Eh, maybe repulsed is too strong a word. More as in people find me to be really weird because of it. Well, I'm actually slightly more social now than I was then (I've been homeschooling two years since, but I'll be going back once this summer is through), but not by much.
    Mmm, kind of. Fortunately, you're one of 'em :3

    But even normally, I can't look at people when talking, and mutter anyways.
    It's not a social poroblem, i just....well, I dunno.

    And they do. But then how do you explain Calvin's shanangins and all the meat-steaks it is a MYSTERY
    Hobbes is real, But hes only real when hes with calvin. If you've noticed, hes only a doll when his parents are around.
    Yeah, I know how that is. In real life I barely say a word, and along with my usually-blank expression and geeky interests most people that don't know me well are repulsed. Said people tend to be the ones who never attempt a conversation with me or vice versa, because when I do talk people often find me to be (usually) friendly and amusing. Which is what I'm like on here (maybe not the amusing bit, but I try DX).
    "Desite the 'get away' aura you porjec to everyone in the world ever exepct for like...five. Family included in some cases."


    Also, I always thought that Hobbes being a doll is a figment of imagination to the PARENTS. They don't see that he's a tiger and the few times we do see Hobbes as a toy tiger is when we're seeing through the parent's eyes :3
    I'm tired.
    And yeah..don't blame you. And there's a chance I might, just not now. Too young, don't care, more interested in othr things...

    But tell that to the slobbeing masses over yonder. *jerks thumb in direction of school*
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