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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I will soon~

    And I know. But you're still young...you can get away with it.

    As soon as you htmy age, though..."oh, you have to stop looking so plain, wear a skirt, you're pretty girl inside, you'll see." GAH. WHY DON'T THEY STOP IT I DON'T EVEN LIKE GUYS/GIRLS/ANYONE as of now.

    Maybe it'll change later, maybe not. D:
    WWhat? No, it's nnothing like that.
    You'll learn soon enough though. ;)
    Hi :3
    I drew realism sorta today.
    I like it (because I actually look like that o:) but after a quick show to my mom...

    She said it would be a good idea to draw me looking a bit more feminine and AUGH.
    So, I'm still a little...erked, I guess? ><

    how many notifacations did you get?
    Well, yeah...just eat it in moderation.
    The two major porblems here:
    a)Rice is part of my diet. As in regularly...yeah.
    b)Guess what I usually have for lunch ;;
    I can sympathize somewhat. I mean, mine know I'm here and all, but they never really gave it what you'd call a 'thourough check'. I'm sure there's some stuff on here they wouldn't approve of. I try to avoid said things but when I do stumble across them I have to remind myself not to ask questions if it's something I don't know, not to so much as hint my knowing anything, and most importantly of all: don't make jokes about said taboo-subject. XP Honestly, I wish I didn't have to do that, because I feel as if I'm fighting for my right to stay on here. The people on here tend to be considerably more awesome than my real life "friends", especially now that they've got to be all "mature" and cuss while no adults are around and make poor sex jokes and parrot every little meme that comes their way and use "gay" as an insult (okay, so they've been doing this since 3rd grade, but it's still not cool) and obsess over boys when they don't seem to get that there's no such thing as a relationship when you're twelve and... well, you get the picture. Tommorrow I will have been here for 18 months, and I'd be heartbroken if I were kicked off of here.

    @_@ How'd that get so long...?
    There was panic when you went missing. The server crashed because you were missing at one point XD(It crashed for me at least)

    Darn it! You came on when I got off. =( Oh well, what could I have done while my mom was watching her soaps on YouTube for 30 minutes which in actuality is 2-3 hours? -_- (I swear, she's addicted to YouTube. XD)
    Don't worry, I wasn't actually crying or overly freaked out while you were gone; I just missed you— a lot— but that's all (but with some people going crazy over your absence, how could I not join in the craziness? XD And the 'crying' emoticon was poiifect for the situation. ;D ). I had a feeling you had an extension on your trip (my parents did the same thing during my last camping). And besides, there's another reason why I wanted you back so badly.... but that's for me to know and you to find out. ;)
    Oh god, we are?!
    Change that to "quilt". Or "blanket". I'm never using the word duvet again o.o
    *sits next to you, hugs you and wraps his duvet round us both*

    Oh, I see. Like a creepy stalker person? I apologize. I tend to do that, in fact, I've gained the reputation of ''School Stalker'.

    I'll back off. Sorry for the obsessiveness.

    (Err, what do I say now? It's been nice knowing you? We've had a good few months?)
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