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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I dont even like batman. I just found a picture of a cute cat painted to look like the joker and it said "Y so srs? tonight people die."
    Not really. :3 Just this video of one of my favorite video games series since we were talking about RPGs (but the video was going to be in Japanese just so you know).
    Nope. not once. I was going to try to strike a converstaion thogh. He sounds nice. (oh crap I spelled though wrong <_<)
    Again, I shall say this: what DON'T we have in common? :P

    By the way, are you on your mom's account by any chance?
    I dont know any other of my friends email <_<;; Thats why I come here I get bored during the summer and I need people to talk to.
    You too? Alright, high-five! *Gives high-five* I'm more for the magic and abilities you see in the games, though. I like exploring in the games, too, as well as the the addictive battle system (but I'm more for real time RPG battles; I still like turn based RPG game though). :P
    And that's why you should meet my math/physics teacher; he's awesome and evil, end of story.

    So... what types of games do you play?
    Good for you. ^^ It really helps. (To type up exponents on here, you use ^; for instance, a^2 + b^2 = c^2; a2, b2, c2 could be confused for 2 times a, 2 times b, 2 times c)

    Do you know algebra? (You can switch the convo anytime if you feel uncomfortable)
    I could help you with math, you know; I nearly aced my math exam with a 99% (we go by a number grading system here instead of A's and B's and other letters). I made one stupid mistake, just one! And I blame it all on the rabbits... X3
    However, I'm pretty sure what you learn in math and when you learn it in the U.S is different than here in Canada.
    Kirby returns!! (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> (>'-')> He is invading your profile! stop him!
    You, too? Alright, high five! *Gives a virtual high five* I should really get outta that habit, though, since I'm going to college and I don't think I'll have enough time to procrastinate. :P
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