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Notoriously Unknown

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  • N64 was my fav console. It had the best games and the best music. I wish they still made games for it. Lol I feel like changing the subject lol. lol do you liek peekachoo?
    when I first heard about how to get to 02 I was like "holy crap getting all those will take forever!" but I spent 2-3 hours at a time and I got it done in 2 days! 02's theme is amazing its one of my fav videogame songs
    Nope, it's the voting round and as punishment for being last along with Team Johto, "Each member of the team will have one vote against them added. They may vote, though."
    That's means you already have one vote on you. And you can't vote off any Team Sinnoh members though (thank God I was online during the whole challenge).

    Speaking of procrastination, do you do that with school work?

    And yes, the requests look awesome, especially the one with the cooltrainer; I mean, who doesn't like PURPLE HAIR!?
    Maybe, or maybe not, but I highly doubt you're fourteen. :P Though it does make sense that you would pick up on middle school behavior, for a lack of better words.

    Oh yeah, have you been checking the TCoD Survivor thread?
    I have all of those on virtual consle except for smash bros because you cant get that on VC yet. And I've beaten all of them except fo oot (Gannon is freakin' hard!!). Have you beat kirby 64 yet?
    Just kidding, of course I wouldn't be crushing on an eleven year old; I'd have to be a pedophile to think that. However, you don't sound eleven to me...
    That would be a great costume. What do you have majoras mask on? the origional N64 version or the crapped up gamecube version w/ a ton of glitches?
    Wow....O.o I guess your parents are concerned about your behavior, but that's not why I'm wowing. I'm wowing because you almost resemble myself, only younger. :P
    If you were around my age and we lived in the same area, I would so go all Amy the Hedgehog and attempt to ask you out to dinner! (God, please don't take that the wrong way, just please don't!)
    How have you been feeling lately that your parents might be aware of? Lonely? Sad? Something?
    Parents always have something to hide from their kids, there's no denying it. Then again, it could be about that Chemo thing and they don't want you to worry...
    No, because I downloaded it from the wii shop channel. You can download old games on it. Thats also where I got oot.
    My honest opinion: WTF? O_o
    There's nothing mentally wrong with you from what I've been reading. Why would your parents suggest it?
    Whoo! GO PURPLE! :P So...yeah...

    *Attempts to start a new convo*.......So....uh......um......uh.......hmm..... how's.......life, I guess? (This "start a new conversation" thing is too hard. ;_;)
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