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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Yeah, but on amazon.com, its 99 bucks. I got it on toy cup for about 16 bucks counting shipping and handling. It was a real bargain.
    You can- as soon as you learn French and move to Canada. Mwhahahahahahahahahahaha- *coughs*- hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (Honestly I can't dance; I just follow my friends, see what they're doing and imitate them, all while sprucing up the choreography so that it stays my style, in which case I look like an idiot).

    I figured as much. -_-;; It must really suck for you, with the child blocks and all that.
    You can only buy it online. It is so awesome! it has EVERY sound from Oot, even the short 15 second onws like opening a chest! And it has the windmill hut in kakariko village theme(aka song of stroms), and It sounds awesome! Song of storms Pwns.

    ♪♪From the sky, To the ground♪♪
    ♪♪Rain is falling all around♪♪
    ♪♪Thunder rain and wind♪♪
    ♪♪A song of storms begins♪♪

    ♪♪Play a song, A melody♪♪
    ♪♪Then everybody will see♪♪
    ♪♪The hero of time♪♪
    ♪♪Has come♪♪
    ▲ ▲
    I love the music in Oot, in fact I even bought the original Soundtrack for it. A couple of my favorate tunes are LonLon ranch and Lost woods.
    But... I suck at giving details. =( *Sighs* I'll try my best though...

    Anyway, prom was awesome! My friends and I arrived at the banquet hall in the coolest style ever: on a rundown minibus. XD (We tried getting our physics/math teacher to drive us to the destination but, being 'evil' and all, he refused).
    At the prom... I can't really go into detail with this one. It was the usual stuff: we ate food; pictures were taken; I conversed with my friends (which were short lived much to my dismay. =( ); and there was a lot of dancing (I was practically a lady's man on the dance floor. ;D). Despite the fact that my friends rarely speak with me, at least they were considerate enough to let me join them to dance; it made me slightly happy to know that. :)

    BTW, have you seen the new TCoD Survivor challenge yet?
    *Glomps Nottie* YOU'VE JUST BEEN GLOMP'D (In other words, hiya! ^^)

    I has returned from prom, and let me tell ya, the night really heated up with the ladies. 8J
    Lol sorry I havent been on here for awhile, I was playing the legend of starfy on my ds and when I start playing it I cant stop XD! Then my annoying brother took the computer for a long time.
    Erm...fuck, there's a 190% of me getting yelle at to get off in the next 8 minutes, becuase tommorw we have to move about half of our stuff an' shit into storage 'cause nan's apperently coming Sunday and um uh.

    Hehe. It's nothing.
    No really it was actually nothing, I suck at this sort of thing.

    Hope things stop being crap soon D: Night.
    Glad I managed to help very, very minutely. =) And that you feel a bit better.
    Need to be off now, but like I said, I can find you some more of those next time if you still need any cheering up.
    There, I managed to find four reasonably amusing images for you but I can find you loads more if needs be.

    (The album's now called "Album of random crap", not "Rabbit with a pancake on its head")
    Good plan.

    ...right, I dug up something I think you might enjoy... or at least I hope you do because it took ages to dig up again and because I feel absolutely horrible. It's in the pancake rabbit album.

    Screw it, I'll put a bunch of stuff up.
    I'm typing the smilies because I can't think of a way to cheer you up due to my uselessness >.<
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