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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Aw, Notory that sucks =/
    *wonders if enough angry has dissipated for him to hug you safely*

    And glad I was helpful even just as something to rant at ^^ Hehe.
    That's ok, it wasn't your fault either, I didn't know you were in a bad mood =) And I wasn't trying to boss you around or be mean, I was just being Mike.

    Anyway let's try again- would it please you to resume our state of conversational discourse? (Though if you have some problem you need to talk about, not meaning to sound horrible, but I won't be any use at all beyond typing sad emoticons >.<)
    Therepy goin' very well :3
    Buut the bad news.
    Apperently the infection's due to a permanent colon inflaation.
    It somtimes happens when you get older but still.
    I saw. Really think it's unfair that people request that much. Geez, it takes me hours to draw details, but I could blame the OCD on that one
    Sorry D:
    But on the good side, me nan might be discharged Monday.
    Actually, I wasn't telling you to take it out of your sig. I was only saying you shouldn't blame people for not looking there. And it's alright, my misunderstanding.
    I Don't hate you Notty D: , not that that counts for mich, but :) and i NEVAR will :]
    I just thought I'd mention this, but you have no right to get "ticked off", as you put it, at people who unknowingly link to sites which you cannot view such as Photobucket. Why?

    1) Not everyone has sigs turned on.
    2) Even those who do may not notice it. I don't know about everyone, but I don't go scrolling to the bottom of every sig I come across, and I only found out about it when I saw you mention it somewhere.

    Solution? Kindly explain to people your situation every time it comes up. Otherwise, it's just an excuse to be rude. Really, I'm sorry you have to put up with parental blocks, but that's tough, and no reason to snap at someone.

    I am in no way trying to be a smart-alleck, and I'm sorry if I wasn't being tactful enough, but I feel sorry for anyone who has to get told off like that. Why be upset when you can forgive, even if there was no excuse not to notice? You should have much more control over what you say here than what you say in real life. You've got time to think before you act, unlike most real life conversation. Just bear that in mind.
    ...Wanna chat? I'll be logging off soon, but I still feel like talking about anything right now.

    EDIT: Oh well. Night Nottie. Have a pleasant night. ;D
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