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Notoriously Unknown

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  • What are pet peeves? I seriously do not know the term.
    He told me his pet peeves, though. Unfortunately, there's a risk of me getting banned from the forums should I carry them out.

    Why don't you try breaking him apart? I can't do this alone. :3
    XD That's why I'm a lemon. :P (I used Google translator; not a really good translator though).

    Hey, I'm trying to get Zoltea to crack (i.e. get him disturbed, angry, etc.). Wanna help?

    Your move, little missy.
    I've already gave him a glomping as soon as I read his name on the current active users list. :P
    You and Zolt are the only two people I have the most fun talking with. :D
    I see. And from the looks of your art, you seem to know what you're doing.
    ...Um, I'm running out of topics to talk about. :P
    Me: music, math and science, too. :3 Then again, I've forgot about a lot of the stuff I've done related to science.
    And you're an artist, so why isn't art class mentioned?
    There's only one place in Canada where francophones are the majority of the population: Québec. Everywhere you go in that province, it's mainly French speaking people you meet.

    What subjects do you excel/do well in?
    Non! :P Je n'aime pas parler dans une langue que je ne comprend pas trés bien.
    (Translation: No! :P I don't like to talk in a language that I don't understand very well).
    I mainly speak English; it's very rare that you hear me speak French since I'm not fluent in it (and I've been living in a French community my whole life! -_-;;). Sadly, learning French is mandatory if I want to get a job here where I live. (I've just given you the biggest hint to where I'm located in Canada).
    Lol I wanna play starfy but my dad doesn't like it when I play at night. And hes watching tv and my dsi is very loud.
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