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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Ohhh :)
    Actually I don't need a blanket, I wasn't cold at all. Don't know why I said that. Pointless lie.
    *curls up all snug and warm in his duvet* x3
    A G-rated House... now that's something. ;)

    So, uh... wanna talk about stuff?
    Don't feel discouraged, that's my job! Besides, your pic was a reference I desperately needed to make this, so be happy to know that you still helped me make this.
    And it also gave me a reason to speak with you. =) (I told you, I crave attention, which annoys me but I can't help it).

    By the way, who's Moe?
    I have an important announcement to make: birdy num-nums. That is all.

    <- (The real announcement)
    You don't have to do that.

    My mom's been out of work for a god long time now, mostly because it's technechally a layoff.
    I'm sure we have money somewhere..it's not that bad.

    the whole thing keeps bothering me though, let's just put it at that. >:
    *all fire magically put out* =D
    Notory doesn't begin with a C. ):

    *munches a horrifically burnt waffle*
    For the last time, I don't hate you.
    Have you ever physically hurt me? No.
    Have you ever resorted to childish name-calling for months? No.
    Aside from that one comment, have you ever done anything wrong? NO.

    So I don't have you and which reminded me look album LOOOK 8D
    She was going to look for a NEW JOB AFTER QUITTING.

    Okay, I know, I'm a complete and utter asshole for not mentioning that earlier but again with all due respect, that was un-flipping-called for >>;

    EDIT: Oh. Um...
    Well there are only three people living here, y mom's one, I'm the other, and my nan's the third.
    You see, her job (she packs cans..yeah) takes long hours and all, and in my nan's condition, who knows what and when she'll need it?
    Unfortunately, I'm too *insert everyhthing here* to take care of her full-time while mom's at work, so er.

    And..it's not your fault. I've been feeling bad about this whole thing for months...augh.
    *scoops you out and wipes the batter off you* Messy girl :3

    ...*realises he's no idea how to make waffles* o.o
    Okay, we maay be a little tight on money now, mainly because in order to care for nan, Mom has to refuse work if they call to take her back, BUT stilll, it isn't fair.

    I know I'm kinda bein' a selfish kid here, but she raised meee ;;
    NO I AM
    I AM
    I AM

    ....Auuugh, they CANNOT.AGREE.ON.ANYTHING D<
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