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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Don't blame me, blame the blocks. Right now, they are you're enemy as multiple choice questions are mine.

    You got a problem with us, bub? So you seriously wanna be:
    A) Creamed
    B) Mashed
    C) Pummelled
    D) All of the above

    O_o;; *Gulps*

    That's pretty much what I do.

    Yeah, I had to do realistic art this year for school. I did pretty good until... *Dramatic pause* THE SELF PORTRAIT!!!!!!!! *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNN*
    That's what I thought you meant. ;)
    I don't usually read; there's too much detail in a lot of books, which in turn bores me to death. I prefer reading crudely written fanfiction (ex: "A Little Night Music" by srgeman; if you can go onto Fanfiction.net, I recommend you read that) and manga (currently reading "Detective Conan").
    Speaking of manga, there's a site called "MangaFox" that has a whole archive of mangas for you to read. You should check it out once you're able to do so.
    I try organic and fail horribly. So usually stiff. So any tips on how to-waitaminute. I just remembered that I have a little wooden model. =3

    Still any tips you might have at any time would be great.
    I don't really know. I just draw. I like Lucarios a lot. (Actually I drew a Lucario from the Rack Shackle Pack in a pimp suit X3) But generally, things with two legs. No Vehicles.
    One very important detail you should know about me: I suck at interpretation. That means I pretty much take in everything seriously unless I can point out that it's a joke.

    And what do you mean by smutty books...?
    ....................................................................... ....................................................................... *cue crickets* ....................................................................... ....................................................................... XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    What the hell!? O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O I was not expecting that kind of reply from you. Now I really want to get to know you. (Don't take this the wrong way— please).
    No, Scheiders Hot Stuffs! Have you ever tried one before?
    (And since you misinterpreted hot stuff.... Hmm.... Suddenly I have the urge to get to know you better. ;J).
    *Le GASP!* ...Well, well, well. Somebody has a dirty mind, and it's not me.
    Nottie, I'm shocked that you would think that. I wasn't even referring to porn! X3
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