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Notoriously Unknown

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  • O_O! Yes you did. =D Now I'm the seeker. You go on hide while I count to a million.

    1, 2, 3- skip a few- 999999, 1000000! Ready or not, here I come! :P
    Perhaps you did. Just be careful and watch what you say when teasing others. :P
    You never know...

    By the way, I'm Wii-less. D: (And yes, I just convo-stalked you and Scy just now)
    I am now back!!

    Me got a new computer....

    I've read all your conversations with Skroy.....

    .....Obbession, remeber?

    Do you have internet on your Wii? If so, we could play SSBB against each other.
    I'm back, and I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly (my dad caught me chatting pass 1 AM and boy it was not a pretty sight. =( He'll get over though... eventually...).

    Okay, now there's the problem. There are those who can take being tease and those who can't up until a certain point. For instance, I'm one of those people of the latter case. I can take being teased at so long as I'm aware it's playful and sarcastic, but tease me enough, which is usually in a short time interval and even if it is completely playful and sarcastic, I blow a gasket (people have been teasing me my whole life, so why wouldn't I do so?).

    Have you ever seen the show "Malcolm in the Middle"? If so, there was this one episode where Malcolm's brother, a bully at school, got beaten up by a girl and everybody saw it. Once his brother was out of the way, Malcolm's friends turned on him since he has lost his sole security. The reason for this was because Malcolm had been teasing and insulting his friends without realizing it (the whole time he thought he was being funny).

    If you've never seen the show... well, do you at least see the point I'm getting at? Watch what you say; "think before you act" as the saying goes. Be aware that not everybody likes being told "jokes" at them. If you get somebody mad, the best thing to do is apologize; one simple mention of 'sorry' can go a long a way.
    I'm here... but sleepy. =_=zzzz
    *falls asleep* *snores* *fur crackles with every snore*
    Stalker Lemon... heh, I like that name. *Insert sinister grin*

    But really, when I see something that makes my friends depressed, I get concerned. I really care about my friends— a bit too much I might add. What happened though?
    Hmm. Alot of peple seem to use photoshop and I've heard its good. Imma go download it.

    Edit: HOLY CRAP forget that its 700 bucks O_o
    Well... consider that your first virtual kiss.
    And didn't you read me job description? I'm a stalker. And a lemon. And a lazy guy. :P

    Speaking of stalking, I convo-stalked you and Poke and read... that post about what's eating away your soul. Ouch! What a great friend they are
    That sucks. I know how you feel. a while ago I only had like 2 friends. I have like alot now, but those two are still the only ones I REALLY trust.
    .... You almost got spaghetti right....
    By kiss, I meant a friendly kiss, or one of those kisses your aunt would give you.
    Hm. Okay. (Lucky.)

    I got another Picture done.

    I WAS coloring it, then I pressed a button, and... Yeah. I'll have it in my album in a bit if you want to see it.

    And I still have the uncolored version, just in case people don't like this.
    *Run home screaming to their mommies*

    Thank you, Nottie! It's because of those darn multiple choices that I've been getting low grades in physics class.
    *Glomps Nottie and kisses her on cheek; cue awkward silence*.................
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