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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Notoriously Unknown

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  • Don't care. Just draw the Six Sages as the Eeveelutions I've mentioned, Zelda as Eevee and Link as Glaceon shouting, "KUREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!", followed by somebody saying, "Uh, wrong game?" (Note: Try to fit a lot of A's when spelling "KUREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!").
    Would you like to know to reference?
    Beucase House has done unspeakable deeds in Arylettopia.

    So much, that it is forbidden to speak of them. Hence, unspeakable.
    Think of it this way: you're writing an exam and you've run out of time to look over your mistakes. You feel that you did a really crappy job that guarantees your failure. However, you later realize that you actually did a great job instead and passed the exam with flying colors. =D (This happened to me for my math exam; I found the exam hard and I thought I did horrible, thus leading me to think I got a bad mark. But apparently I got the highest mark in the class: 99%! (We go by a number grading system here).

    And since I was so slow at editing my last post, I ask again: how's my art request coming along? :3
    Actually, I haven't watched any of those reality TV shows; the only show I watch that closely resembles that is Total Drama Island/Action (it's an animated reality show!).

    Basically, teams will have to go through challenges in order to gain immunity from getting kicked out. Just do your best to get through the challenges, even if it's something you can't do; trying is better than doing nothing.

    By the way, how's my art request coming along? :3
    I highly doubt the entire contest will be spriting; it wouldn't have that reality TV show ambience without other challenges which may or may not require skills in drawing, writing, logic and other whatnots. After all, the game is called SURVIVOR for a reason.
    In fact, have you ever seen any of those reality shows where they kick contestants out by voting?
    (...Please say you're saying that in a joking manner, 'cause I can't tell your expression here. :| Otherwise...)

    I always knew Hamtaro was evil...

    (I suck at interpretation, which is why English is not my best subject. >.>).
    *Hamsters glomp Nottie* YOU'VE JUST BEEN GLOMPED— BY EVIL HAMSTERS! *La la la la la la la; la la la la la la laaaaaaa...*
    (Yes, I've seen the video "When Hamsters Attack." It's so cute. XD).

    By the way, just a heads up, it's voting time on TCoD Survivor! :3
    Nan's still in there, delivering food, MASSIVE PROJECY annd yeahit's like nothin changed because my mom thinks the computer runs my life and that I inteact with no one.

    *headdesk* It's times like this when irony hits, huh?
    You know when you view your profile it looks like you're saying Bumpercar Hugh is being attacked by chinchillas.
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