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Notoriously Unknown

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  • *gasp* D: not the ice cream...

    ;.; And you'll make milkshakes out of it, won't you? o:
    All I know is that they use puppets for simple parts, and animate a picture of the puppets for a more complex one. Aside from that, I'm totally clueless.

    Yeesh, it probably costs a lot...
    I won't leave, don't worry; actually, I'm more worried if either you and/or Zolt will leave me for good. =( You don't know how long I've been wanting to find a person to call a 'friend', or to even talk about something such as this.

    Before I entered high school, everybody used to insult me— even my family. What they've been saying about me would bring my spirits down and I thought they hated me; they didn't want to be with me, I thought. So to prevent them from insulting me, I tried acting in a way that they wanted to see and it worked. However, the more I spent time with these people, the more I started to act like myself and then they would comment on me and eventually they would just leave me alone.
    As time passed, I've also learned to ignore people's comments. Actually, no, I still hear the negative things they say about me and it still brings me down as of this day. =(

    By the way, I stopped at 310 for the night.
    I will never forget that at all! He's too cool for words :P

    oh and, out of curiosity, what would this mean thing be? o:
    I find it rather amusing that we both share the same fear: "I'm afraid you'll judge me and, and you wont want to talk or your opinion of me will change for the bad and things wont be the same." Have you ever thought that I might've felt the same way?

    Wanna hear a story? Actually, it's more of an anecdote than a story.
    Nah. Don't really wanna'. But I did see Transformers earlier tonight. It was awesome. (Critics don't know what they're saying.)
    What's so embarrassing about being yourself? =S You're the first rate version of you, a person nobody else can ever hope to be for all eternity. It's always better to be yourself than a second rate version of another person. Besides, from what I read so far, it's cute. :3
    It looks pretty good. Dying flowers have funny looks on their faces.

    And I'll put it on an album here. If I figure out how. DON'T TELL ME THOUGH. I'll figure it out eventually.
    What's wrong with that? Your conversation with Typh is the most entertaining thing I've read since toast popping out of the toaster (which is then followed by my sister screaming. XD). Hmm, maybe I should change my job description...
    It's great, Nottie! For your effort, I give you a WHOOP WHO—! Why only one and a half WHOOPs? 'Cause I'm a lemon. :P

    Anyway, I got off my virtual bum and am currently convo-stalking you and Typh— from the very beginning (you two talk so much; I mean, 348 pages as of present!? O.O). And also...
    *Tries to contains laughter; fails* XDDDDDDDDDDD I found it funny for some reason that you didn't know what a fetish was. XD
    (But hey, it's perfect understandable; I didn't know what it was until I was 14).
    Okay, I'm new and not very good yet, but if you'd like I could color your banner on my computor. Yet again, I'm new. I could color a copy of it, then give you both copies. How's that sound? (Banner=Drawn, but I'll need to darken the lines slightly)
    It's been a long time since I saw the three episodes, so my memory is pretty vague.
    Aw, now I feel like watching it, but I can't... =(
    It looks like Japanese! But we don't speak Japanese in Arylettopia...

    We speak this:
    E's hud Ym Prat, pid E cbayg ed palyica ed'c dra Hydeuhym Myhkiyka uv Arylettopia.
    *Jaw drops on floor*
    ... Lucky you. :P I never had the chance to watch FMA except for the first three episodes. Darn school and parents...
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