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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Ever notice that Lucifer has slightly more animal qualities than everyone else in the trio? Or how Typh was a human normally, but turned into a morph AS SOON as she entered the tribe?
    Also, why would Crayack, a supposed GOD, invest years on a little tribe?
    Many years ago, a comet landed into the water, pseudo-contaminatiing it. I say pseudo because no one actually got hurt or anything. It's lethal to humans in a sesnse, maily because it turns them into Pokemon.
    Now the comet landed many eons before humans were Trainers. Back then, a rivalry was between humans and Pokemon.
    Thus, this would be seen as traitoring.
    Now, small groups of Water Pokemon migrated over there as times got scarce. When the water gradually drained, rocks were visible and other types came as well.
    When they found Typh, by this time any rivalry was solved and they took her in.
    A year or so after, A Houndour(Yup, Ferry) roamed around here, injured.
    Now, hewre's the big question: How come Typh didn't turn into a full Pokemon, and how did Lucifer become half-human?

    The water's powers have weakened, only turning them into half-human, half Pokemon hybrids.

    I don't feel pressured at all, I make another one when I feel like doing so. :P
    The only one I might not do is Aereon, I'd have to find a sprite with a span-feather tail with the correct angle. :/
    Sorry, not possible. I have some sort of inferior complex going on.
    And I also do that "draw a bunch of circles and basic shapes than fill in with details" trick.
    Only on the computer? But that's... you know what? Suddenly, I feel inferior to you.

    Oh, indifferent... :P I blame my weather for my mood today.
    Right, the mythbusters thing, that's only if they try to tell us exactly where to go before we go. They're from the future and probably already know. So if they try to say something, Glacy would have to freeze them and stick them in the trunk.
    How would I have Uxie on hand? O.o I listed ingredients for a reason. :P

    Oh goodness Notory, what a request, Aereon is the only one I have truly been avoiding as the tail area is highly difficult. :/
    *Yawn* I'm awake now.
    Oh dear... then you may not want to see my "stiff" drawings. :P
    Wait, you just started shading? It's good for your first time. I've taken some art classes and had all the time to practice shading but due to my unsteady hands, I keep messing it up. :/
    Heh, I'm no artist, though. Drawing pictures is just a hobby of mine when I'm bored.

    I'll gladly talk about anything; I'm not usually a convesationalist, so... start a conversation! :3
    Who said it was easy? Listed all the reasons why getting this cure could take up at least 10 pages. o.o
    Oh, and the future guys would probably know where to get the stuff, so we'd have to freeze them and put them in the trunk. >:3
    *inserts humpback into Aiko* You Igor now. o.o
    *pulls a random lever from 100 feet away* MAD SKILLZ!
    (I always imagine her with fangs sticking out when she gets like that)
    *hands Aiko a brain exploding potion*
    I learn much from other pokemon about different sorts of medicines. Aiko would looove them. o.o
    Thanks for all the banners. You're really good at this. Why don't try making a comic, k? I think you should seriously think over it.
    FUNNY STORY ABOUT SNORUNT. I was messing around, just drawing randomly, then I made an outline, to me it looked like part of a rounded triangle, that made me think of Snorunt, so I drew Snorunt. o.o

    *paws Notory's tail*
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