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Notoriously Unknown

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  • I like the one with words. o.o
    *puts in sig*

    Oh, mind you, if you wanna draw some of the other Eeveelutions, you may add other features, it's called artistic license. ;3
    Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa— *huffs (Just give me a sec...)*.... whoa, whoa, calm down. They might be older than you but age doesn't matter in friendships. (And apparently I was wrong, Mike is older than me).

    Why would they reject you? You're a likable person once people get to know you. :) (Though, honestly, I still don't know you...).
    There's Zoltea and Mike who are both only a year younger than me and yet you have no trouble talking to them...
    And yes, I just implied that I convo-stalk people I know.... Just don't tell anybody that, pretty please? *Puppy eyes* ;)

    Just talk normally to me; don't be intimidated by the fact I'm older than you and in high school. I just wanna have fun here and make new friends. :)
    And now that I revealed to you that I convo-stalk people, didn't you say you skipped grades and you're attending middle school where older kids are present? Don't you get along with them?
    School in general, I mean. And no, I still have exams to write up though (stupid chemistry and physics exams that remain. :P)
    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. Sorry, I get bored when I'm not talking to peoples D: Even when I should have been asleep hours and hours ago D:
    Actually humans can catch a similar disease by eating infected cows that basically acts as a human form of BSE and destroys the brain tissue. =D
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