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    Also, who know that theme "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly?"
    I'm listening to it, and oh god Sheriff Steve. 8D
    There was an actor guy named Steve McQueen. In Westerns.
    *while watching western at rehab clinic with Nelson, a family friend*
    Nelson:*point* See that guy? That was one of the greats.
    Me: Huh? :3
    Nelson: Guy's named was Steve McQueen.
    Me: I thought Steve McQueen was a mouse, but-ohhh, now I get it.
    Nelson:Steve McQueen wasn't no mouse -.-
    I'm working on a little thing, too. What I was like as a little rabid Pokefan, age 4.
    "B-B-B-B-B-But what do you mean 'He's not reaaaal?' D:"
    AHEM, time for the talk. If you cannot accept the talk, take a bright light and shine it in your eyes for 2 minutes, then spin in a circle 30 times, then attempt to walk to the bathroom. :3

    FIRST, the story that caused brix to be shat!

    Satoshi Tajiri...Before his son was very old, a random space/time rift aka a warp sucked him into the pokemon world. While there, he learned the language and eventually discovered Dialga and Palkia. He made a deal with the two to allow him to jump from this world to the pokemon world and back. He was granted this ability. On returning, he didn't say a thing about it. When he saw his son trying to make bugs fight however, he was reminded of it and decided to make a game which had some real stuff from the pokemon world and some stuff he made up himself. He was of course not allowed to do so and was forced to release these games to the public. He never revealed the fact that he'd actually seen it. He also did not want to overload people with too many pokemon at once or too many facts at once, so he released the stuff slowly as each 'generation' progressed. He would also go back from time to time to learn a bit more and to get better sketches of all of the pokemon as his previous sketches weren't fully accurate, He decided by the 2nd generation he'd include some of the other colored pokemon he'd seen. He made up some palettes while others he'd seen such. The reality was, there were plenty of different colors for each pokemon. He gave a slight hint to it in one pokemon episode with a pink Butterfree and in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon with the purple Kecleon. He has not yet included any real regions from the pokemon world and has just made them all based on parts of Japan, honoring his home country.
    Tag fact: Pokemon don't actually ever say their names, some however are smart enough or have the capability of speaking like a human. Most pokemon just make cries kind of like how he set it in the games. The only problem is, he could never get any accurate sound recordings back from the pokemon world.

    Then there's a bit of my story. :3
    One time when Satoshi decided to jump from the pokemon world to this world, he did it very near where I was. I had learned plenty from overhearing things in the schools and knew this was a warp. I decided to jump through just before it closed. I ended up going of course though and ended up in America where I learned how to read, type, and speak English over a few years.
    How I avoided attention... I shut down the press by completely destroying their equipment. I could recognize those dang cameras... Now I am in a home where they protect me from the press. This is despite their 'rights'. X3

    Again, if you cannot accept the talk, take a bright light and shine it in your eyes for 2 minutes, then spin in a circle 30 times, then attempt to walk to the bathroom. :3
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