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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Oh, easy way for me, if I say something that actually seems undesirable, I'm not being serious. Unless I'm talking about Math of course...

    I have Road Trip, Forum Games, and visitor messages...see how ADHD I am? :3
    Make that 150 posts today.
    Only one requirement, be able to do 20 posts in 10 minutes. :3

    My 305 posts were yesterday... Forum Games...it was me and two other people and the other two just fed me posts.
    Glacy, Typh says I can't get drunk or high.
    7427231=hybrid years of life.
    (You doesn't believe in pokemon Notory? SHAME. :3)
    Whhaaaatttt? o_o, Glacy, shouldn't you be looking for J.D.?

    Oh, and, that's basically 7,000,000x1.0610329539459689051258917558168.
    Poke-humans hybrids? No clue, I haven't studied them... I think the equation is 7 million/3*10/pi.
    Of course pokemon years aren't dog years... That's a silly conspiracy. Pokemon live about 100,000 times longer than humans if not brutally murdered.
    Darn, 10 year olds in Road Trip! can't have cleavage like in the pokemon games?
    :P, Stare at pictures of Jolteon long enough and it will be ingrained into your brain so much so that you could draw it perfectly.
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