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Notoriously Unknown

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  • Meh, I just click on it when I'm bored and read random bits. YOU GOT TO FLY AROUND WITH MIDNA AND HAVE COKE. that sounds fun.
    No, no, no, no, no, you misunderstand little miss Unknown. You see, in real life I am trying to keep up this reputation of being weird and because of that, I met a few people whom I'm able to hang out with if only for a little while.

    Still, I wanna admit my true self to them but I fear their comments and possibly their rejection.

    W00t! I'm still weird! ^w^ Bring me TEH L33T HAMM3R BROZ. so we can party!
    I never was too fond of chocolate chip cookies to begin with. I always preferred the cookies the with white chocolate chips instead. Does that make me weird?
    Well, for me, most of my conversations at night have been about cookies! And now I'm suddenly craving for some cookies. :(

    What's your favorite kind of cookie? :3
    Wow, this night has been full of cookie conversations, don't you think?
    mat i has a mario kart banner for my unnoticed club
    PS Kirby just ate your candy bar ^('-')^
    Oh no, you don't have to apologize. I thought you were bored because I thought our conversation was going nowhere. =P

    Anyway, what makes wind your favorite element? :3
    And also, what kind of comic is it? Is it Roadtrip related? 'Cause I have yet to begin reading one post of it. =P
    Uh, okay.... Moving along, let's change convo topics. :3

    Um........uh..............duh............. what is your favorite element? (You know, fire, wind, earth, thunder, etc.)

    EDIT: Uh, sorry if I'm boring you, Nottie, I'm running out of ideas. =(
    If thats the way you play

    *gets dinner blaster and fires burgers*
    PS you make the banners m i rite?
    Oh, good. Only Ryann read the letter, huh? I wonder what's so traumatizing about it?

    Speaking of love letters, have you ever had anybody crushing on you and you found out one way or another?
    I wish you could download it. You would love it. Theres this one girl that randomly pops up for a battle after every chapter, bragging about how "strong" shes gotten. Just like jr troopa from paper mario.
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