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Notoriously Unknown

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  • *Wakes up* Ugh, what happened...? *Notices letter on floor*... You guys did not just read that LOVE letter, did you!?
    Ryann (REE-ann): *Reads letter*... O.O
    *Throws note away* BURN IT, BURN IT!
    The sprites are amazing. The overworld actions like talking and walking around are like pmd, but the battles are mario rpg style. Again I say IT IS EPIC.
    *Rummages through Skroy's pocket* Found it!
    ...Medicare card, bus pass, bus pass, CPR license, bus pass, a free pass to a hockey game, bus pass, a love letter from some milkman with a diseased foot.... Damn, he has no money! ;~;
    *WHACK!* <- The act of being hit by a frying pan

    Oh no, Skroy! ...*To Nottie* Should we check his wallet?
    Of course it is; I would never stoop so low as to download illegal roms. Its a completely fan made freeware game. I'd send you the download link but you have parental blocks.
    Sorry it took so long to reply, I was playing Kirby warrior rpg 2. IT IS EPIC. Its like pmd mixed with mario rpg mixed with kirby.
    Eh, it's alright. I mean, we're complete strangers for Pete sakes! And also the Internet is a dangerous place.
    But hey, at least we can chat on here and feel completely safe. (Or so I think)

    EDIT: Uh, I think i just wrote down a paradox here. O.o
    Heh, I guess I'm too trusting of people then. =P
    But yeah, you got a point. The things we say here are all in fact purely hypothetical up until the day we actually meet each other. And in all honesty, I'm no pedophile; that's just repulsive and by all means wrong! Alas, you have no way of knowing this and I have no evidence to support the fact that I'm not a pedophile. :<
    Which is why if you ever happen to take up any form of martial arts, I give you permission to beat the crap outta me. ^w^
    I dont think he can. I'll just go brawl with the 3 fighting dragons, then.
    edit: drat, hes not online >=O
    ...Other than the Internet, or as my cousin puts it, the Interwebs?

    Anyway, Scy asked me whether or not the three of us will meet each other one day, or as he wrote it, "Do you think that you, Nottie, and I will meet some day? I can't express how much I would like that to happen."
    Heh. ^.^;; And where would I find said duck mask?
    ...Seriously, they don't sell duck masks here. O.o
    How can you get bored when you can chat with little 'ole me? :3

    Anyway, to start the convo, if we were to ever meet, where do you suppose it would be?
    Are you by any chance going to stay on past midnight? Luckily I can sneak on again since I'm at my grandmother's. :3
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