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  • They're better than my writing, that's for sure. Just keep going forward, I say. You have to just finish the whole thing first like it's a rough draft or something. Not that I know a lot about writing, but that would seem the best thing to do, I think.
    Well, it is pretty damn good. I'm looking up stuff like this so I can get something really good if I can.

    As for A:CC, I could try. I blame myself mostly (can you say, "guilt-trip?"), but I might wait a little longer if I do.
    :( Yeah, does kinda' suck being awkward...

    ... Aaaaanyway, enough of that, I can't wait for more of your story. I'll try to get started on your request this weekend, see if I can draw something worthy of the story.


    By the by, finished the dragon drawing (goddamn my procrastination laziness and such), so I have Ulqi's then yours.

    I am intimidated by yours.
    RUIN. HA... When you say it like that it just tempts me more... It also makes me cautious. Thus, I'll think about it.

    ... I really should get my act together with my fic... EEEEEEYUGH D:
    What? Oh yeah, I was browsing through people's ASB profiles (looking for battles to read) and I clicked on this link about a move mod that got me to the Pokemon page. Which is... on the ASB control panel I guess?
    Indeed we did.

    I kind of wish one of the mods would change the thread title so that it accurately displays the glorious outcome.

    So, a few of my friends and I were having a Who party again, and I watched The Waters of Mars, both parts of The End of Time, and the Eleventh Hour all together. So yeah, I'm up to 11, but uggh I'm going to miss Tennant. But he sure did go out with a bang...
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