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  • Yeah, TES has a lot of generic characters. But I think that there are way less NPCs you can interact with in those other ones, so it's sort of a trade-off.

    I did get really connected with Serana in Dawnguard, though. I was very upset when I couldn't marry her.
    Hey, maybe so. She's laying over in Whiterun for a couple weeks, and since this is 199, she runs into Lydia as a Guard. They turn into pals for a short time. Not memorable friends, just kind of temporary drinking buddies. It's fun making Lydia angry and violent.

    Right now I've got an OC hunter character in the story, plus Faendal and Lucy. So not as diverse as yours. But still fun.
    I made a wizard that looked like Gandalf once. :3 It was fun. I kept screaming at my TV "YOU SHALL NOT PASS," at every enemy. And especially Atronachs.
    Yeah, kinda' lazy. You might just have to grind through it. Like leveling up Restoration or something.
    I think he's hilarious. I was carted off to Cidhna Mine while he was following me, came back, and he was sitting in the Jarl's throne. So I guess he took power or something. LIKE A BOSS.
    I do that. I'm still writing my fic, (Still haven't actually tried posting it :D) and I just want to be at the College. Because Onmund and Jzargo.
    O_O.... Yessssssss. I mean, I thought Ralof counted as that, but, whatever. Now I'm sitting here wondering if you mean Ulfric himself, or just another soldier you're making yourself. Or, hell, for all I know you're giving Ulfric a family and you're talking about one of them. Aaaaagh. I can wait. Semi-patiently. Maybe.... Hhhhrrm.
    Aw, poor kitty. I was thinking it would be funny as hell because everyone's just chilling around the TV, then fly paper just falls from somewhere onto your cat who starts thrashing around and stuff.

    Have you ever put tape on the bottom of your cat's paws? Or socks? It's pretty damn funny. They start waving whatever foot you've messed with around really fast.
    PFFFFFFFFFFFF that's kind of awesome. X3 Can't say I care too much for my cats because mine are eeeeevil.

    How did fly paper manage to attack your cat?
    I know, isn't it? And he's done so much other stuff than what's in my signature, too. It's all good (well, I call bullshit on some of it, but that doesn't make it not entertaining).

    Brain bleach, a multi-use brain cleaner agent!

    Could take some time.
    Eh, I feel like my writing is sub-par. I blame my English Teacher/Literature Textbook for making me feel like I should be symbolic.

    People always glance and leave. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you must revise, just try and see if it can be restricted to the first chapter, because you don't want to spend buttloads of time going through and making it all fit together. You want to spend buttloads of time writing the juicy new stuff. :3

    And I will go write, because even though I told you not to start over, I feel like I should because I should develop the friendship between Lucy and Ataf more. Rarr.
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