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  • It worked awesome. It makes sense now, cause the way she's always like "I am sworn to carry your burdens" kinda fits in with that.
    Is he? I'm only on chapter 9, so... ANYWAY, I also wanted to say that the way you did Lydia is awesooooome. I used to envision her as a tradtional-type girl who just kept to herself but now... Oh, you have done a fantastic job (And I can guaruntee mine won't be so well-written as yours).
    Would it seem inappropriate for me to have a Skyrim fic on here? I feel like I need to ask you for permission, first. I've had the idea for the story in my head for... God, since the game came out. I just never wrote it. It's about a Breton girl who grew up in Falkreath, and loosely follows the College of Winterhold storyline. (I was also thinking if I did write it, I might make it sort of tie in to yours, if that's alright. When the Dragonborn comes to the College for information about the Elder Scroll. Just a little cameo. ^_^;)
    So a few friends and I were having a Who marathon in my friend's dorm, and then we started to watch Doctor Who: The Curse of Fatal Death, which was a 1999 parody that had Rowan Atkinson and Hugh Grant in it. But when I looked it up on Wikipedia, I found out the script was written by none other than Steven Moffat himself. 0_o
    Yeah, I always tell myself "I'm gonna read that Skyrim fic," but then I just... Don't do it. I'm going to read some more before I work on it, in hopes it'll help it turn out better.
    I do have the restriction of two characters as of recently. My first idea is the (kind of overused) idea of just Alduin's eyes at the top of the picture. I need Revak's form, though, that's for sure.
    Who's this group? It depends on who it is and how big it is. I know Lydia. Everyone has Lydia. :3 Cause she's awesome. If they're hirelings I might have to find them in Skyrim, or something, because I never remember them as distinctly as guild followers.
    So you need a cover for your Skyrim fic... (God, I need to catch up on that, haven't read anything since... Probably the second part. -_-;) I have to finish Ulqi and Munchkin's requests first, but for the record *penclick* I'm guessing you want your character on the cover, so I'd suggest putting a form up for characters you want in it.

    I'm pretty versed in Skyrim and Elder Scrolls, so you won't need a whole lot of explanation behind most things, I think. Oh, also, your 3,300th post was the 33rd post in my thread. :3
    There should be a killing role where the kill fails if they are visited by any other players that night. Weeping Angel. 'Nuff said.
    I edit basically every post of semi-substantial length that I make at least five times immediately after I've made it and realize I want to add or edit something. That's one of the reasons I was so happy to get the post edit history thing. Silly vBulletin. >:/
    re: wcm; ... no. just, no at the whole thing.

    this is probably too much interference with the game, but that was entirely necessary, yes.
    Hiya! Id like to join your welcome mats. (you dont hear that every day) And believe me, its not cause im experienced. :/ A can help with icons! (not convinced? check out mah profile icon! (not avatar) ok, maybe its not that great but i like it. i also like trains. bai bai.
    Doin' pretty good. :o Basically spending way too much time on tumblr and buying waay too many new books on the kindle store.
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