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  • X3 Silleh Kuchikeh

    We-ell, we just gotta bolt past the police. I was thinking we jump into the sewer. I'd have to take the manhole off a second time. Kaskae has a police officer trying to stop him directly, so that's one obstacle.
    Alrightalright, so I'll just post, and we'll see how it pans out because WE'RE SCREWED. But it'll be okay. Because we can save each other. We don't need them.


    Well, I have a post drafted out, but I don't kooooooooooow D: It has her going over the crowd, and the worst it gets for her is a few people calling her fat.
    I was wondering how you'd feel being ALL ON YOUR OWN ;^; Poor Rai got abandoned.

    I can help, yes indeed. Would it seem ridiculous for Ami to go on top of the mob? Like, on their shoulders? I think she'd have the acrobatics needed, but you think she could do it without them ripping her throat out?
    I know. But those are just people with motives that aren't that clear. Over here, mostly, is drugs. Yesterday the Police set up an ambush at K-Mart. In the middle of the day. And the Police had long guns (read: rifles). And there were civilians inside (yesterday was a holiday). Also, is PR ever mentioned in international news? Over here, there is going to be a referendum on whether or not to limit the right to bail (I think that's the word. The amount of money needed to get out of jail). The ruling party made a billboard that said, 'if you don't vote yes in the referendum, they win'. It showed two criminals showing the bad finger. Yeaah, these are the equivalent of republicans. Assholes.
    I'd be too ashamed to confront myself, probably. ._. It's been almost three years now, I think; far from how long a lot of other members have been here... but not really that new at all.

    Yeah. I don't hang out with the same people I did a year back nearly enough. Probably because I slowly shifted from the RP boards to mafia to ASB and now... to the RP boards and mafia again, I guess.

    Haha, I was panicking and seriously considering backstabbing you in that one... it wasn't that necessary, I'll admit, but I felt nervous. And then I was converted, so! I don't think I had any particularly stellar game, but uh Odorless and Macbeth mafia went pretty well I guess??? Macbeth was pretty much sheer with no skill at all, though.
    If you mention it in Mafia Awards, it could catch on!

    Iii've been an alien... a few times, maybe??? And I was awful at it. I tried being annoying once, but I probably piled it on too harsh and I died without being lynched (although no one ever said anything about an alien). One time I tried being inactive alien because hell I could possibly end up getting killed anyway, but the game died. Is the problem with being inactive, yeah?

    I've looked through a lot of old games and found myself unbearably annoying, but that's because the games were old. I'll be saying the same about my 2012-self in a year, undoubtedly.
    "What happens in mafia, stays in mafia" totally needs to be a thing. :D It can be the entire mafia board's motto.

    ... Especially because I'm probably a terrible person when it comes to mafia. Hopefully not most of the time, though.
    Certainly. Everyone loves a little FWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH.

    Be careful. I hear blue fire is considerably more explosive than normal fire, so jetting might burn a few feet. BUT GO FOR IT IF YOU MUST.
    Yeah, sorry to leave you like that. Didn't know that the police would get so agitated. I bet Kuchiki will give you hand, and if not, I promise Kaskae can try.

    Or do something outrageous and get yourself out, but I'd give it some time first. See if anything happens.
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