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  • Yeah, because wherever you live people are sane and don't go around killing kids.

    Also, my grandpa is a huge fan of Game of Thrones.
    Yeah, I've just been reading the newspaper. But it's in a way that is so... so extremely lopsided that I don't know how to describe it. There are usual welfare programs (like one that lets you buy food on some kind of budget & Social Security), but sometimes it's just so unfair. People who live in housing projects get a fixed electrical bill, so even if they have a couple ACs in the house turned on always (plus stuff like TVs and stoves etc), they get a fixed bill. I think it's that way with water, too. And now they're getting free Internet. Which pisses me off.
    Well, it's that the middle class (represented with an m) supports both the high and low classes. Better shown in Figure 1.

    M--$$$---> High & Low
    Ooops, sorry about that! I don't even know what was up with me that day! It just kinda bugged me, cause i am trying to get better at being inactive, and I did a bad job at keeping that out of the post. (I realized afterwards that it was worded REALLY ANGRY annd I'm sorry about that ^^;)
    O.O Um... Hm. WELL, I feel that I could certainly try, but we aren't having a huge post-orgy or anything, so... It doesn't feel as if it's entirely necessary.
    I wouldn't let it! >:O FORWARD. GO, PLOT DEVICES. GO!

    ... The plot devices want me to sleep first. IN THE MORNING, THEN.
    From his post in the OOC thread, it sounds like he'd be back within a couple days from this Tuesday, but you'd probably have better luck asking Ulqi-chan.
    yoshi said it would have uncertain inet access for the week, which, eh, has ill-defined endpoints; but one might assume it means either until this weekend past, or until the next either monday or tuesday -- which is roughly the present, or until the next weekend, which is yet to come.
    The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit was one of my favorites.
    The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances was also very good.
    I'm up to The Family of Blood now, which means Blink is next. :D
    you had a game of thrones thingy as your avatar so I was quoting the red priests :(

    well, paraphrasing, obviously
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