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  • So long as you don't do anything too drastic. I promised Ulqi she could start the riot, but she doesn't seem to be doing that just yet... STILL. Post if you know what you're up to.
    I believe it was a lack of overall freedom, as well as forcing most of the character's to be not knowledgable in terms of fighting zombies.
    While theoretically possible, I can't really see what purpose it would serve. If you can get enough money, the vast majority of Pokémon are easy enough to get in the Safari anyway. /shrug
    Nothing's creepy about darumaka!
    your signature seems to have a misplaced font tag somewhere between the second and the third |||; check that, would you?
    ldl;kasdjhad i love it when that happens

    my party wanted to keep the dracolich we fought's head as trophy. and put it on a stick. after shrinking it. then use it as a puppet.

    liches are prone to shenanigans aren't they
    ... Okay. :D Didn't seem too bad to me, but if you ever remember anything, edit your form and lemme' know.
    Well, to quote her on this, "Couldn't come up with anyone who had the skills, inclination, and also time for that."
    I'll get to the battle awaiting Blazer's response.
    Umm... with ASB being suspended, would you like your battle reffed in the meantime?
    (sorry for the absence, laptop broke, got fixed, then broke again)
    And I put you on the list.

    I suppose it depends on your tactics as a non-bender. You could be like Sokka, give or take the goofiness, or a chi-blocker. Weapons, chi-blocking, maybe a bit of both. Or Fire. Fire is fun. Goes FWOOSH.
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