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  • I apologize for taking as long as I am with your battle. In fact, I'll provide bribe money so that you can lure some e-ref into taking it. In any case, I'll be fully back after June 15 (final day of all classes), if you're wondering how f***ing long bulbasaur is going to take to get some work done.
    Maybe one of them should heroically sacrifice emself for the good of the team. Or we could break eir legs, tie em to a skateboard, soak em in blood and roll em into the zombies. Whichever works.
    Oh, I know about the guns. But James is all over emotional and irrational because everyone he's ever loved is dead. That was some serious bad luck. Poor James.

    Me too, it's one of my favourites. Also, we should kill the postless people soon. Maybe keep a few for lackies. We can't all carry our own shit.
    Oh whell. I edited the thing out in five minutes. /Five/. That good 'ol person sure was lucky to see the comment. And hey, MM had a massive jumpstart of life. Go us.
    Hehe. I used to like tdg, but my musical tastes then shifted to Paramore, then to Rise Against and System of a Down, which is where they now lie. I still love Time of Dying forever, though.

    Aww. Well, is "Out of thread communication IS ALLOWED." a thing that could be used? Or are you going to be all realistic and have dead people not talk.

    (This entire debacle has inspired some sort of 'Necromancer' role, where perhaps that person could view the alignment and role of only dead characters. Or would that be hideously overpowered?)
    1: Three Day's Grace are a band that I have heard of and their album cover is now in your signature. I approve.

    And 2: I don't suppose this is one of those Mafias where dead people can post? I mean, I've seen others do it as well, in kind of a "shit I died on the first night aww" capacity, but this would be kind of different. Is the particular piece of information I have something I can share, or do rules forbid it?
    Saw your question to Negrek, and it's possible to evolve a Pokemon that evolves from trade when it's transferred to another player. People have done trade-and-trade-back evolutions with the Black Market.
    Our RP's been pretty zombie-like in itself, funnily enough. It's probably going to die. I'd post if everyone magically jumped up and started being active, but as it is...

    Well, Momento Mori just became a /very/ apt title.
    It's pretty much yours. Ulqui has been pretty inactive. I mean, it's a little awkward, but if she cared much, she'd be posting, right?

    There is no blame that can be rested on you in this RP, we just seem to have a really inactive crowd for some reason.
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