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  • I think I have an idea of what the role is, if it's innocent--it's important, but not so much it can't be removed.

    I'm not that certain I actually want the role--doing something like that would be a bit odd. But since it was offered...?
    Again, sorry! I think you may have the right person but I'm just being really forgetful! I've not really been involved in Pokémon fandom for a while so I've forgotten about lots of the places I used to hang out!
    That one was actually completely unintentional in that I just wanted to be Moo for a bit. xD hahaha.
    :D!! I did that totally on purpose I change it every month to change the capitalization because I'm totally normal.
    I'm sorry, I have absolutely no idea what you mean! The only thing I can think of is "PokéCommunity" but I don't know if that's a real thing or if I made it up, but if it is then I haven't been there in years! Sorry for not being very helpful :(
    Right?! I've somehow fallen in love with Robert Downey Jr.... even though he's practically my dad's age... :[ It doesn't help I can watch all his movies in which he's my age and all adorable and stuff and waahhhh *flail* I want a RDJ.
    Money isn't an issue; that's why the referee pay reduction/bonus based on punctuality was a flop for me. It's because most refs are already rich/don't need more money.
    Hmm, it's not so much getting more refs as getting refs to do more reffing. For one, the pay reduction/bonus was a terrible idea (for me, at least) because it provided a means to buy off my guilt of taking way way way too long (my mind: oh, being punctual with a reffing is only worth 2 ASB dollars? That obviously means that it isn't very important to get a reffing in on time! :D)
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