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  • Eh, it kind of makes more sense this way. White contrasts more with the background than gray, so it catches your attention more, which is what links should do compared to normal text.

    I also liked it as soon as I looked at the forums with the colors swapped, but that's probably because I haven't used Axe-Murderer in ages and wasn't used to the old way at all.
    I just darkened the links in Axe-Murderer Style because surskitty was complaining it was hard to tell links from normal text.
    hehehe I'll start thinking of a game plot then!! I can probably rope Sunflower and HighMoon into it too, for a bit of a group. Maybe we can make a thread for a teecod game to drum up players or something.

    Also I have every 4e book at my disposal already, so if you need any and have/can make a dropbox acount, I can let you join the folder for 'em.
    die lannister scum!!!!!11! (but not really, some of the Lannisters are pretty cool)
    No, but I'm scared to look. *...peeeeeek*

    .... PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHA *Collapses from lack of oxygen*
    Oh good, I'm rooting for Daenerys, I haven't read any of the books yet (they're waiting for me in a shelf at home) but I hope she gets what she wants (don't spoil me!).

    My brain. You killed it. So did sleep deprivation. I should take care of that. I think I will. *Swooshes to bed*
    *Poker face*

    Dimes are all you got
    You're always in the same spot
    Spittin fire on the street
    Earning anything to eat

    I went two seasons pro
    Only left when I was bored
    I'll toss you straight out
    Till it's time for an encore
    Sounded good how I imagined it... =/

    Well, you think you got skills
    Well, listen up now
    You may be in it for the thrills
    But I'm here to throw down

    I'll have to drown you out here
    I'll tell you what it's about
    The name's Kaskae
    Just show yourself out
    ... That should be a banner in my sig. "Sozin's tits."

    ANYWAY. Of course you're liking. Tis and epic tale of heroism and bravery! Riddled with action, and sometimes immaturity. LIKE 69.

    ... I still want a rap battle, though.
    My hero~
    Or rather Addie's hero, but seriously, I was under the impression for a good ten minutes or so that Adelé was going to get pounded by those two. Then again, she still might, but still. At least she won't get beat up too much. :3
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