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  • OH, right, I was thinking of doing that, but then there was this thing this weekend. I shall indeed.
    i couldn't do dive school... diving just isn't my thing.

    that's the brains part of the test, right?
    aaah, that's too bad. i was kind of crushed when i found out i couldn't be a pilot because of my eyesight but then i found stuff i'd love than flying. i've done my research and found 7 careers i wanna do in the air force, though my personal favorites are pararescue, civil engineer and combat control.

    how is it being a medic?
    Oh....yes. I don't think I'll be able to get to that. Exams are coming up and such.....you could drop my character.

    I'm sorry for this.
    Woah I didn't know there was a Talking Dead. :o Cool... And I love Chris Hardwick haha he's so funny. Uhg I can't watch the videos though, outside the US. >_> sigh.

    I agree on knocking Andrea out. Idk why Michonne keeps trying. -_- uhg. Such a fucking pain, seriously...

    Wow, Rick's actor is really method for acting in a zombie show. He's so good though, it's ridiculous, this isn't the first time he's made me tear up. The other time was when Carl was shot, and I didn't even like Carl then, it was just how much Rick cared. >_>

    I hope the phone isn't just in Rick's mind! It would be so cool if it was army or something. 9_9
    I KNOW omggg ;__; WHO'S ON THAT PHONE??? And omg RIck lost his mind sob. Poor Glenn haha. And finally Andrea seems to be getting a clue... until nooope. >___> uhg Ihate her but Michonne is even more awesome every episode killing those walkers. n_n n_n n_n sob I love herrrr.
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