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  • Yep, still pretty bloody fantastic.

    Do you speak of Birthright? Because I already read that, and I must say, I rather loved it. ANOTHER SEPTIM. I love Septims. The people and the coins. THEY'RE BOTH SO WONDERFUL.
    Actually, the original was twice that size. I cut it down to 50% before I even put it up. I just figured it would be... a tiny bit smaller.
    Khajiit. Highest offensive stats are One-Handed and Conjuration. Highest defensive stats are Light Armor and Restoration. Strongest weapons are Mace of Molag Bal and Glass Warhammer (shock enchantment). Strongest spells are Lightning Rune and Conjure Storm Atronach. I keep getting killed by the masses of Centurion Spheres and Dwarven Spheres not too far in.
    Would I want to- pfffffffffffffffffff GUUUURL THAT IS A SILLEH QUESTION. Of course, I'm seeing this 12 hours AFTER you asked me, but if your beta is still delaying then OF COURSE I WOULD LIKE TO SEE IT.

    "I Love Lucy." Ha. IT IS FUNNEE. Well, haven't touched it in a while. Right now I am positively swamped with schoolwork. Mostly for my Telvision Productions class. My friends and I spent all day the last two days filming us hunting Cupid (which was quite a time), then I've got to finish drawings of all of the students in my particular class (11, which isn't much, but it's a lot of work to draw that many people WELL) so I can make a new intro for the Morning Anouncements, then there's the stuff I have to do in class, like making little ACT Test Question of the Day things, AND THEN I've got to do regular stuff like read for English class. So I haven't worked on it lately. Rather disappointing, BUT FORTUNATELY I'M A JUNK WRITER ANYWAY.
    OH SHNOEZ. Well, Aronnir wasn't going to be announcing he was the Harbinger anyway. Member of the Circle. I was only saying Harbinger cause... I dunno. Shorter than Member of the Circle, I guess. But I never actually wrote it down. 8D S'all good. At any rate, he's a werewolf.

    Now I find myself wondering what sorts of plans you have for Kodlak. >___> I wouldn't want to interfere with any of that awesomeness.

    Oh, changed your cover design again. Because things. There's a sword stuck in the snow, with an Iron Helmet on the handle, and Revak is standing not too far away, facing away from the camera. He's looking at the Throat of the World, and holding his amulet in his hand, watching clouds kinda swirl over the mountain. Looks pretty good so far.
    Well... You know. Kodlak kinda kicked the bucket. Because of silver and stuff. And maybe a hand was involved.
    Well, my fic has a Bosmer named Aronnir. He's the Harbinger. And he's a total asshole, but not like "elvish asshole," just more of a prick in general. Eats your food when you aren't looking, that kinda thing.
    AND THERE I just saw your edit about laying the smackdown on elves. Yes. She will be. Eventually. Her first combat experience is rather traumatic for her, though. She'll be changing throughout the story, I think. Later she'll be like, "OOOO-HOOO-HOO, CUTE LITTLE BANDITS-" and then they explode. But first she has to be all helpless n stuff.

    AND IN THE DEFENSE OF ELVES. Bosmer are flippin awesome. Sinderion is (or was) flippin awesome. I have an Altmer mage right now. Her name is Aliara. She's a pretty Altmer. You know. For an Altmer. AND SHE IS FIGHTING FOR THE EMPIRE. And regularly beating down the Thalmor. Like "BOOOYAAAAAAH." She's fun. She's also independent from the College, which is proving to be quite expensive. >___>
    Well, tis possible. I won't stick to it exactly, (Nords have that weird diagonal cleft in their chin in that game. >___>) but, yeah. That could be a thing. Most of the others aren't really necessary, since I'll probably want it to focus on Revak. Malik would be nice for when he pops up in DMG, though.

    But, no, really. Main thing here is you look at the hair. Tell me if you want hair like that (but blonde and shorter, clearly), or if I should just not do that because I suck at it. I dunno. Tell me what thou desirest.
    She certainly is. I was actually inspired when I found that to start writing more. Unfortunatly I still sucked even with epic music. 8'D HOWEVER, DRAWINGS GOT BETTER, SO.

    SPEAKING OF. I, uh... May have a Magna Ge cover before a finished Divine Champion one. .____. I HAVE REASONS, THOUGH. I'm testing out new stuff on Magna Ge, like with shading and hair and fire and snow and backgrounds and stuff. So I'll test it on mine first, then finish yours. Probably. Hopefully. I am a terrible person, yes.
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