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  • It's probably a good thing you're not being tempted to rewrite the beginning; it gives you more time to actually finish it, and then you can worry about making the beginning presentable. Don't be like me, stuck in a swamp of revisions for years on end.
    I've never claimed it's especially terrible on the scale of fanfiction in general. Some of the previous versions were pretty damn terrible, but the ILCOE gets some things approximately right from the start, is kind of okay with some other things, and is bad but still better than an awful lot of fanfics in some other ways. But on an absolute scale, it's pretty bad on multiple levels.

    I'm actually baffled every time I hear somebody who hasn't actively reviewed it tells me they've read it. Instinctively, I feel like maybe about ten people total on the forums have read it, with maybe some more having started but quit a few chapters in shaking their heads at all the cringe-worthy bits.
    It's going back to an old name. Don't you remember me being Murkrow before? Have you been around that long? You've become one of those people who I see around tcod so often I just assume you've been around longer than I have.
    i don't feel bad about it, she was annoying all season until the very end. >| i feel annoyed that she died right then! blah. i share your thoughts re@everything!! i don't miss t-dog so much though because he BARELY ever talked and i always felt like he was the shows generic 'black dude' there just to show they weren't being racist. >_> that's partly why i hope the new family that's switching sides all the time joins the main characters because they seem to have personalities; and that I love michonne so mcuh because she's oozing personality. <3

    also i just started reading the comics! I'm going a bit slow because of other stuff i'm doing and i only have up till the 11th one (a friend linked me to them online) but it's better than nothing n_n
    Your avatar used to be David Tennant for a long time (I think?) and since I never visit the behind the avatar thread because I'd feel awkward, I often assume people look like their avatars.
    omg yes i am in shock and awe 9_9 andrea actually became ok and then dead sdfgdfh. honestly merl though. i mean it was obvious rick was asking him to take michonne... which just really made me hate rick sigh. and i think it was too quick to make me like/pity merl but i do feel bad for daryl :c i mean i love him gsfdgfd. but MICHONNE SHE IS AMAZING FFS. I LOVE. HER. SO. MUCH. i want to be her. and have her sword. ??? i just want her to be the show, her and daryl, no one else. twd? just the walking michonne/daryl thanks.

    also so glad the governator is gone uhg i hated him ... and glad they're finally bringin in more people, they just made no sense =_=
    No, this isn't my first time, more like twentieth or something.

    And the solo part is like right in front, onstage alone.
    It's kinda sorta choir, except I'm singing solos, so uh.

    For the choir part I could lipsync it! But it isn't all choir, so.
    AAAAAAAW DAMN. Well, hope it gets all sorted out for you. It's all good, anyway. I've been scheming with other things lately, so I've been busy.
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