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  • I feel I should point out that there is a section for you to talk about your powers on the form that you left out entirely. You're still accepted, obviously, and it's no problem to figure anything out in the form. But I must point that out. Because of reasons.

    So yeah, I'd recommend a little edit. Turning the power description into a sentence might help, too. I'LL STOP NITPICKING NOW.
    Also side note, the hair thing made me think of one of the teachers I thought up. See, he makes illusions by changing the pigment of objects he touches. And he very often just colors streaks of hair, or puts stripes on his clothes. Like in the middle of class you'll be looking at him, look away for two seconds, and he has a big purple line through his hair and a Braveheart face. And he writes on the board with his finger, which is cool.
    ...YESSSSS. I enjoy this.

    I enjoy this muchly.

    And I'm sitting here going "Well, what's she gonna' look like?" And so far I can't help but picture her dressing like a typical mechanic (blue jacket, sleeves rolled up, you know) and being one of those characters with a band aid just eternally stuck to her face. That is the first thing I think.

    And also the hair thing. That's in there too.

    Well, that sounds pretty dayum awesome. And different.

    I mean. Personally, I wouldn't do it, cause that's not how I roll, but if you feel like it, then by all means, DO IT GURL. It'll be nice to see how a character like this works into it all. Technopathy is a bit low-key, relatively speaking, and it may or may not make her more mundane in the eyes of others. HMMHMHMMMMM. Or she could fold perfectly into the group and be loved by all. We'll see.

    If you go that route, you should know this academy is in rural Indiana. Because that could frustrate her and shtuff. I dunno. IT SEEMS HELPFUL TO ME.
    A tech support character? (Oddly the first thing to come to mind is Tali'Zorah. I dunno if that's anything like what you mean, but) You know, as far as abilities go, as long as you're superhuman in some way more than just GOTTA HIGH IQ or something, I think it's fantastic. Real support characters are hard to come by in RPs. Of any kind. Nobody ever wants to be the White Mage. What'd you have in mind, out of curiosity?

    And I shall look that up right now. Even if I don't understand tabletop things at all.

    I know how you feel. One of my best friends got engaged several years ago and it was bizarre. Also, a girl my age who I played with occasionally as a kid has a kid who's a couple of years old now aaaaaa people my age aren't supposed to have kids.
    DON'T THROW IN THE TOWEL ON TDC! Please, please don't.

    Indoctrination yaaaaay new fics. But seriously, don't give in on TDC yet. O~O Alduin and dragons and asdfghjkl.
    Oh, I just think sneaking and spells and other super powers are great. Plus I'm really good at running away if things go wrong. :3

    Indeed, the extended cut is better. I'm just frustrated that all the work I've done doesn't really affect the outcome. All those choices they said are important. LIES. YES, PRECIOUS, WE TOLD YOU HE WAS TRICKSY. WE TOLD YOU HE WAS FALSE.
    I rarely pick up tank characters in any game. Not much of my style, I guess.

    I've seen my brother play through endgame three or four times. It is epic, indeed. Though all the decisions you've made and allies you've gathered ultimately will not affect the ending. Maybe that's why I don't feel like it. Maybe someday.
    OOOOOOH but I just went through that a couple weeks ago. >_< Carried my engineer from start to near-end. Did the Citadel DLC in ME3, and now I for some reason feel satisfied. Can't quite muster the motivation for the final mission. I feel plenty accomplished after beating Saren, stopping Collectors, and defeating my own evil clone.
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