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  • gasp, if we can get the Mafia section active again with the BMA Mafia, you could revive the forums some more :D

    Coincidentally, I spent a good three or four hours last night on Magna Ge. Alas, tis not enough. Now, I must go. and read. stuff. AWAAAAAAAAAAY
    thanks! I've already posted it in the wifi league forums and I'm not sure if that's the right place to put it. Is that the right place? Also, would you be the first competitor in it so I can at least have one person to give out the first prize to (yes there's a prize involved. It is a random photo on my PS3's hard drive or a link to one of the music files in my google drive account or my dropbox account). I planned to give prizes to the Top 3 winners and have a seasonal capture challenge for those playing Black, White, Black 2, or White 2 and time-based challenges for those playing Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, or Soul Silver and special retro challenges for the Game Boy versions of the Pokemon games. Maybe if I have one person to compete, I would be inspired to continue to make more challenges. You don't have to if you don't want to, but it would be nice if you were the first person to participate.
    thanks! I've already posted it in the wifi league forums and I'm not sure if that's the right place to put it. Is that the right place?
    Not sure. I imagine some of them have things going on irl, probably a few others just got bored. It happens.
    Sorry to bother you about this, but could you get around to reading my story? I'd really like to have some more feedback. Thanks in advance.
    Have Leon talk to your character, and then have your character realize that Reneé has withdrawn himself again, and pull the poor sob there (the P.A. could be mentioned due to BY making note that the student body needs to be at the cafeteria)
    K, I seriously have no clue what to do at this point...(i.e. on the RP)
    It's the beginnings of a novel, really. It's set in the year 2046. Humanity is on the brink of war. There are two factions; the Greenbacks and the Blackhearts. The Blackhearts kidnap a member of the Youth Greenbacks of London, and it's Emma's (female protagonist) job to get him back. Going with some of the other Greenbacks, they're also kidnapped. It's up to Epifanio and Noel to get them all back to safety. Link here.
    Phantom, would you like to read my story? Sorry if it seems too pushy. It's 4 short chapters and the prologue, at the moment.
    That's good, the you being good part maybe not the work being busy part so much >w>

    Aimee would probably be really fascinated but afraid to go near him at the same time. Though she'd probably be a little frightened when he's floating around.
    Gundam would certainly enjoy Leon's class. Do you have any plans for him so far?
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