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  • How have you been?

    Ooh, if Raisa said something to her about being careful around him l, she'd probably do her best and avoid touching him at all costs. It could lead to many awkward dodges! Though, would Brighton be able to sense the electricity in her?
    Hello Phantom, it's been a while since we really talked o: I was just wondering about the RP how Raisa would react to Aimee being all electrified and being able to mess with some electronics. She could either accidentally mess with Brighton or do so because Raisa wanted to see what she can do. Or none of it because I'm just brainstorming
    That would be great! I don't know how to play mafia, and thus I might not be a part of that, but I'm sure some people would really like that.
    That... Could go any way, really. And I would think that would make me benevolent rather than evil.
    do you have any idea how hard it is talking to your crush when you don't have the guts to even go up to her and say hi
    Way I have it figured, Raisa's father was ignoring her because he was focusing on the project of Priam. Once Priam - the human weapon - went rogue, Raisa's father then turned his attentions to Raisa, since his main priority had vanished like the proverbial breath on the wind.
    Deathly afraid of gas masks, you say?

    That sounds like an opportunity for plot! What say you? Could the technological genius come up with some better forms of containment for Mr Hazmat?
    So you say Raisa has a punk hairstyle. Don't suppose you could tell a fellow anything more specific than that?

    I know she probably changes style a lot because her profile says so, but do you have anything you're thinking of in particular for her right now?
    Hello! You seem cool so I decided to just randomly send you a VM XD How are you? :)
    Having conflicted emotions toward school. Going to see my friends, my crush, but I'm going to be a freshman, so Seniors are going to put us through hell.
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