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  • Sooo, I don't know whether you got my message, but if not I was wondering whether you have a database of information on your Phoenixdex pokémon, and if so, could I get in on that?
    Exciting water damage. I think I'm going to have to send it in to get replaced, although it works more or less fine... except that it won't turn off. I'm kiiind of holding off on getting it looked at because it's going to be a pain to do and because it overall took the water damage like a beast and has been slowly healing back to normal (even earlier today there was still a little water damage to the screen, but it looks as though it's finally vanished, and problems with volume control and keyboard fail had already gone away) so I'm still operating under the delusion that it will all return to normal if I just baby the thing along a bit. The culprit has already been viciously recycled.

    Alllso, appears I never actually replied to your earlier message, so I guess I never apologized for the Grinch comment! I wasn't trying to discourage you or anything, of course; just teasing a bit.
    Are the Wi-Fi Leagues shut down? I saw the pages and it looked like a cool concept, but those pages are six feet under. Is it coming back again?
    Wait, how did I make you feel self-conscious about your plans? :(

    Yeah, I was pretty much expecting that... it probably would have been different if Morphic and Clouded Sky weren't on there, which actually I guess I could check later.

    No, it's just that if you have one TVTropes-rec on your list, you often have at least one other; and then, because the script works off of "who else favorited this 'fic, and what did they favorite?", you end up with a disproportionately high number of TVTropes 'fics in the pool, because. So, they tend to run in packs.
    Glad to see you're getting into the swing of NaNo again! I saw that you kind of stalled for a while there, so I was afraid I was going to have to come after you. :P

    Here are your recs. I was just going to add them to the actual database so you could do them yourself, but I realized I would have to add a fake story to the story data, authored by you, in order for it to work, and I didn't want to do that. So, I just made a fake copy on my own computer to run the script on. Your recs are boring anyway, sorry ('s unfortunately what happens if you have one or two TVTropes-listed 'fics on your list: you tend to automatically get ALL THE REST). Sorry for no links; the actual script is on my other computer which has TCoD blocked, so I'd have to type them in manually and that would likely not go well.

    1. Pedestal by Digital Skitty
    2. No Antidote by FalconPain
    3. Tales of Flame by Buwaro
    4. PMD: Silver Resistance by ScytheRider
    5. Memory by Negrek
    6. Xanthic Growlithe Contract by Facia
    7. Butterfree by Dragonfree
    8. Revelations: A Cynic's View of Pokemon by CorianderWryters
    9. The Sun Soul by 50caliberchaos
    10. A Little Night Music by srgeman

    ...hmm, now I'm wondering what would happen if you tried to get recs for someone who already had all the big 'fics (Pedestal, basically the stuff on TVTropes already).
    Oh, right, forgot about that for a bit, there. I can add your account in manually, I guess... this time.

    And ooh, yes, they are. I'm probably going to have to write something myself to auto-escape cursing to get around Serebii's censor, though. :P
    Ahh, gotcha. And I was wondering whether my comments were going into moderation or something, but then I was like, "But that never happened before! Clearly this must be broken!" Anyway, great, glad the problem is (probably?) fixed. btw, I also finally got my site running again... haven't updated the database yet, since I'm at the same time trying to fix a couple of irritating issues with the scraping script, but I'm going to do that tomorrow night.

    That's so sad. :( I hate that it seems to usually be the people who write really good stuff who have little implosions "god this is so terrible I must take it down so no one ever sees its badness ever again!!" Dunning-Kruger effect in action, I guess. But yeah, I would probably rec it myself anyway, but somewhat guiltily.

    Ah, yeah, I can see that. You got it done eventually, though, and that's the main thing.
    It seems AO's comment system is hating on me a wee bit, so here's my comment:

    So I tried to submit my comment once and it apparently got eated. Not amused. >>

    Anyway, nice to see the rec list there! Alas for I've already read all the Pokémon/Homestuck ones, but I may have to try that Sherlock Holmes one out later... Sherlock turned into a parrot reminds me too much of Cabanela, even though they in fact have basically nothing in common as characters.

    Anyway, Mentor is definitely still on PC, although only through chapter fifty-four: http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=167167

    Also, while digging around on Serebii to see how much had been posted there, I also ran across this: http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?259776-Leech-Life

    The 'fic only runs for sixteen or so chapters, and I only skimmed the first one, but this appears to be the 'fic of Leah's actual journey. Maybe I'm just slow and the whole internet already knew that it existed, but I thought it was pretty cool.

    I'll take a look at "My Oshawott Never Smiles" later, but no worries on the delay--no one could ever accuse me of being prompt to responding to criticism, after all. :P
    Yeah, it's like almost as much for a month as I pay for an entire year right now. :P I'll see what I can figure out.
    Yeah. Customer support is pretty good; they're fast and do their best, etc., but I haven't met anyone who's actually better at this than me. Like, okay, thanks, I know what blog post you looked at to give me that answer, already tried it, and so on. So pretty much I'm thinking I should just spring for a Linode or something... as I'd still be doing pretty much everything myself, except actually able to see all of the logs and so forth, which would make things easier.
    idek, for no apparent reason the installed version of Python has gone back to refusing to import anything, which means that I can't import the packages necessary to run the scripts I need to reinstall other things, and it's kind of a Problem. I think I'm just going to try deleting everything and reinstalling from scratch, and if that doesn't work... consider other options, I guess.
    I do. I got transferred to a different server and somehow this BROKE EVERYTHING, and last week was pretty crazy, so I didn't have time to get it fixed. Hopefully I'll be able to get it done tonight, after I finish up more work that I didn't manage to get done yesterday.

    I swear I have the best timing with these things; it must have been up for less than 24 hours before my host screwed everything up. At least this time it appears to not have been my fault.

    But if you read the instructions on the script page you'll see that you need to have *more* than one favorite for it to work, so you wouldn't be able to do anything with it for yourself, anyway. But I'll be updating the database soon anyway, so if you run around and favorite some more stuff now, you'll be able to do something with it soon.
    Nothing much, since the only one of my favorites they have up there is Lugia, and it's pretty laughably inaccurate. ("Never puts off anything important" yeah uh-huh right then.)
    You should definitely go for the doctorate in horribleness. I bet a lot of your credits would transfer.
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