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  • I know there's an english patch for the gameplay text, but I don't know if there's a full translation anywhere. If you know of a translation project that handles the actual game I'd be up for volunteering for it, though.

    http://tcg2.midnightwaters.net/ cancelled translation project ...
    Ugh, forgot to change it after FFN informed me I had already named a chapter "Reunions." >> Thanks for the tip-off.
    It's changed a bit, sure, but I still rather like that particular scene. It'll appear pretty much as-posted previously, albeit with the usual hoped-for lessening of suckage in the actual prose. It's also quite early in the 'fic (like, probably within the first five chapters), so you don't really get all that much context for it. But hopefully it'll work well nonetheless.
    Very far. It's hard to tell because it's in pieces across three computers and multiple notebooks, but it's at least 100 pages, and I would guesstimate somewhere around 150-200 total. Where I'm writing now is about 2/3 of the way through the plot, but I skipped some stuff.

    Pretty excited about getting to post it soon. It's a very, very weird story, though, and quite confusing initially, so I'm interested to see what other people think of it (I think it's totally cool, of course).
    "Shit, let's be Lugia"; I had already finished typing the next chapter of CS by that point, so it should be up in a couple of days.
    All right, then try not to be so awesome next quarter, how about that? I mean, give the rest of us a chance, it's hard being outshined by you all the time!

    Hmm, well, an enterprising stalker will have to do that tomorrow, then! Should probably be finishing up writing the rest of this page of fanfic, then reading the last chapter of that other fanfic, and calling it a night.

    Yeah, I'm set for plane tickets and I've got my registration card taped up on my wall so it doesn't get lost or forgotten. It will no doubt remain taped there as I waltz off to the airport, but at least I've made a solid attempt at ensuring it goes with me, however futile that attempt might be, knowing me.
    Well, yeah, I'd better hope it's interesting work, since I'm going to have to be doing it for the next five or so years. :P My stipend isn't huge, but I have almost no expenses outside of housing/food/essentials, so it's plenty enough. Pretty much the only other thing I spend money on is travel, and I don't have any loans to worry about, so at the end of all my schooling I should end up pretty comfortably in the black.

    Ehg, that sounds dangerously close to being networking. I envy you it not (though I'm going to have to do all too much of it myself). And yeah, I'm sure I can get through it, I'm just having unhappies over the things I'm going to need to do to do so, that's all. You I'm sure will be just fine as well--just don't do that thing where you write the paper that's due for a class in the class on the day it's due again. That thing is a bad thing.

    Well, I for one anxiously await the big reveal, if for no other reason than to see whether I guessed right as to what it is.
    Nooo, I fear last summer was the last summer vacation of my life. There are no classes over the summer, but I still work 40+ hours a week. And mostly just kind of bummed after a pretty murderous semester and evaluating what I'm going to have to do over the next few years. I'll probably have a more in-depth LJ rant about it over the weekend.

    Very cool! I hope you get some good classes to finish things out with. A trip to New York sounds fun, if that works out, but I've always been a big fan of chillin', myself. Does this mean we're going to see whatever that super-secret project you were dropping hints about earlier soon, hmmm?
    Mehhhh. Been better.

    That's pretty sweet, though. Any plans for your month off, or are you just going to chill? And after this, it's going to be, what, two more quarters before you're done for good?
    Hey Kratos, I dunno if you actually frequent this place since you're so busy now, but if you see this before the Metronome contest appeals are due, could you lend me your Salamence? It's rather necessary for my appeal and you get 1 EXP~
    That's not a problem. Real life > ASB, after all. But when you feel up to it, we can have that tiebreaker some other time, yeah?

    Also no I do not want to fight Negrek again so soon ;~;
    Hey Kratos, I was bored and reading the first few VMs we've exchanged, and I stumbled upon this:

    "... although if I must have a catchphrase I think I like whatever Mike was saying about the bears earlier. "It'll eat you" or whatever..."

    You and Mike are friggin' prophets.
    Ah, yes, I forget Kusarigamaitachi's name isn't going to keep itself away from your rightful place in the League Stats.
    I thought of buying AHBE moves as a gift, but then I discovered I was too lazy to think of which exactly. That, and you hardly need more money.
    Augh Kratos I stayed up just to finish that on your birthday for you! /Just for you!/

    (haha, I can see that. But I can't even tempt you with a Rare Candy? Because it'd just feel off if I didn't get you anything ASB-related for your birthday)
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