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  • Hey Kratos Kratos! I finished your Christmas present! On your birthday! Let's just say it counts for both because I'm lame and lazy! Although if you want anything in ASB I could buy it for you, no problem.

    Peekchar for you
    (hope you like it)
    Yeah, apparently I got distracted by the shiny before I finished with it. All taken care of now.
    (Yes, writing up the response to this on the first day and delaying posting it was totally reasonable. Nothing more logical than that.)

    Okay so I'll just. Forget about replying to this paragraph by paragraph and put it into a few main things as a whole. This is really short as well but I'm not that great with going on long tirades about things.

    This was meant as a simulation at first? I... was always under the impression that Asber was supposed to be a real region. But, yes, I'm completely 0kay with Dragons' Den existing because they're styled as completely fake--and it sounds all nice and good with your league as well. And now that they're in the battle for Asber with 1000 points and +2 stats all around, how exactly is getting them to play nice at 100% going to make sense? Especially when they're being depicted as ruthless and out for the blood of everyone in Asber (particularly Negrek's) and flinging around draco meteors without a care. Flavor is just flavor, but considering the pure insanity of what could happen if Mew was obtainable I'm not reluctant to say that legendaries are a bad idea even without considering the logistics. Going back to the fake things, going somewhere along the lines of a "false Groudon" like in the anime would be a lot less ridiculous; as long as they're not actually the real ones it's fine (and so would Superbird instead giving his ditto the ability to transorm into Darkrai as long as Meta's not /actually/ Darkrai, in my opinion). Now that I think of it Dragons' Den opening up for some other sort of thing would be a nice compromise to this; Blazhy and Dragon keeping their profits by instead renting out the simulations for everyone, no one keeps the legends and everything is nice and contained. Maybe if you all lose in the BfA; it seems that would make the business a lot more profitable as well and then everyone wins.

    I'm not sure which I prefer, personally--just improvising in any way is fun. Although I've yet to find a real way to actually toy with an arena... maybe I should start plotting some arena things up. Anything that really looks like it subverts plans and seems entertaining enough is usually something I'd go along with. Ahaha, that sounds hilarious. Probably not so for Kusari if that strategy had came into play, but still. I'd probably allow that if there was a damage cap; severe confusion, maybe, with a drop in special defense. I suppose I could live with being a terrible person in that regard--after all, my reaction when I saw that you were crippling Kaleidoscope was just "WHAT" for the first minute. Then I burst out in laughter, and started thinking up a new way to get rid of Yakuza. I assumed that Kaleidoscope was going to chill rather than waste copious amounts of energy on an ineffective attack, but hey. It was workable, and Kaleidoscope's movepool is amazing; couldn't let on that I had a backup plan though. :D

    You, too; I knew substitute was going to be encored from the moment I posted commands, but it's certainly going to cause problems if I ever want to rotate him in. And the crippling thing was really effective, haha. Attacking health would've been useless at that point; I was just eyeing giga drain since the first moment I scanned her movepool.

    Because! Did you see how long your message was compared to mine! And you have a huge squad filled with fully evolved pokemon, and you browse on invisible mode (which has nothing to do with this), and you're both a long-time member and a mod... I think I've slowly been sucked into ASB as well. The question is whether I'll ever get out.
    Well, it's just that it's gray instead of green. The value might be the same, but the hue isn't. (Galaraud is still grayish too, actually, though I'm not sure how that could have happened if you directly sampled the colors?) You really don't have to keep changing them, though! The fact that you wanted to do anything at all (and pretty icons!) is flattering enough, really.
    So is there actually anything wrong with the Galoryph? I looked at the actual numbers of the colors I used and they're only off by ~30 points, so.

    I fixed the other two, though! I copied the colors directly to start with this time so I'm pretty sure I didn't screw it up.

    also some icons
    I actually did have a Fire Fang Encore in my strategy at one point, but yeah, I took care to word it so that it make sense. Something like "Now say you're really sorry you missed that Fire Fang because it sounds super-cool, and could she please try again and you promise to stick around this time."
    If Enver used Encore, would he be calling for Toxic or Fire Fang? If it's Toxic, would it actually work or would Button be too wary after getting punched the first time? (Either way, I finally have commands! The Toxic Encore set is just way better.)
    Oh, before I forget, I don't know if you've seen this yet. I know you haven't been feeling that well so hopefully that will cheer you up, if only a bit (:
    Alright, then. I can't promise to have it soon because I take an ungodly amount of time to draw, but I'll get it to you eventually!
    Oh hmm... If you don't really need sprites, would you prefer if I just drew some fakemon or really, whatever you want? Easier for me and probably prettier to look at.

    Unless there are Pokemon you want in ASB, or items, or something else as a Christmas gift. I just saw that you wanted sprites in your superold profile wishlist so...!
    I offered to sprite two of your Fakemon for a Christmas gift. Do you know which you want sprited or are you still deciding? :0
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