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  • Wow, all that because of an addon? That's kind of insane. At least your files are okay. :(

    Actually, it's more common than you might believe. "help ubuntu is suddenly in chinese" turned up surprisingly good search results. I think Chinese and English were the only languages installed on the system, yes, though I can't say for sure. And thanks, though I *really* would hope to have the problem fixed by then...

    Yeah, they have a countdown to their announcement going on here. No actual content besides the counter, but they have some nice remixes of the previous soundtrack playing in the background (I think it changes day to day). And I'm sure the sequel would get you up to speed on any particular knowledge you needed pretty fast... or who knows? Maybe you get to be surprised.
    Wow, that's terrible. :( Do you have any idea what happened? Both OS's getting nuked is terribad. Best of luck getting everything fixed and the project all finished!

    (Meanwhile, my Ubuntu partition is currently all in Chinese because it choked during an update and deleted all its English language files... and I won't be able to reinstall them until I can figure out how to get the wireless card working again. =/)

    In other news they might be announcing a TWEWY sequel soon and I'm pretty much flipping out over here.

    Oh btw we're totally having a "making D&D characters" party when we get together. Just thought you should know. Your brother can join to, if he'd like. (Somehow this paragraph just sounds so terribly wrong.)
    I still have ASB permissions, so I retain the tab. Everyone else got removed from the trainer group, so although their stuff is still there, it can't be seen.

    I liked some of what I did with the Rayquaza layout, but I thought the end result was kind of ugly. Jolteon is prettier IMO, even though it didn't turn out at all like what I had initially planned with it.

    And how are yoooou doing, hmm? Almost done with your big software project thing?
    "Or, failing that, maybe find someplace trapped in perpetual autumn."

    Come over to the Pacific Northwest! The average summer high in Vancouver is - like - 20 C/68 F and the average winter high is about 6 C/43 F.
    I hadn't thought about it to any great extent. I think it would have to be at least 20+ years in the future, though, and probably more like 50-80.
    1 Jul 12, 10:42 PM Maimi: ... Kratos is much less terrifying without the Giratina avatar, actually
    1 Jul 12, 10:42 PM Maimi: slightly unnerving, but
    1 Jul 12, 10:42 PM muh muhend: does it still terrify though
    1 Jul 12, 10:50 PM Maimi: I still don't think I'd want to approach Kratos randomly... but not quite. Just mildly scary.

    It appears your nefarious plan is starting to work!
    The Legendarian Chronicles. I'd read it in an old incarnation and wanted to see how it had changed, and Butterfree did some excellent reviews for it.
    I haven't really been actively avoiding them this time, but I haven't really been seeking them out, either. I hadn't seen stuff from Pokéwood ripped, though--looks cool!

    Yeah, my memory is pretty notoriously bad. I remember you saying you wanted to move to New York and making that comment in response, but I didn't remember your rationale being that you'd already lived there.
    Okay, I'll check it out. Also, where's your avatar from? That I feel like I've seen before somewhere.

    Probably you did, and I just managed to forget. How old were you when you moved? (And you should totally return there sooner rather than later so we can hang out more. :P)

    The image I get when you say "perpetual autumn place" is really, really beautiful. Autumn's not my favorite season, but aside from knowing that I don't like winter I pretty much enjoy whichever season I'm in at the moment and wonder whether it isn't actually my favorite. However, summer is pretty clearly the best--especially since it's the one that's on now.
    Yeah, really hadn't heard of them, except maybe Rice Boy. Not sure how I managed.

    Oh? You lived in New York before? I know you went to Cornell, but I assume you're talking about some other time...
    Ah, sneaky-sneaky. I wait with bated breath to see what you're actually playing, then.

    Bahhh, BW2. Why must you come out right before generals? Maybe I'll buy you as a present to myself in the event that I actually pass sobbu sobbu sobbu.

    And... wow, I don't think I've actually even heard of either of those comics. Something to check out later, I suppose.

    Well, I'm preeetty sure it hasn't gone to 100 up there, at least. It was quite warm today, but not 100. To me it seems a likely win to gamble on it being not quite as searing up there as it would be where you live.

    Haha, wow. Not looking to stay in Georgia in the long-term, then? Doesn't seem the place to be if you don't like the heat. Or at least get some air conditioning!

    Yeah, should be fun.
    Ah, yeah, I was wondering if you were going to do W2 for your LP! Been enjoying it? (I guess I'll find out soon enough when I actually read the LP, but whatevs.) What comics were you binging on?

    Sounds cool! I've never actually seen a Cirque du Soleil concert live before myself... something to put on the to-do list, I think. And downtime at home is definitely great, I'll agree... but if it was the middle of a heatwave I think I would have been pretty grateful to head northward if the option was there, myself.

    Well, until recently I didn't live in Humidville, for once. It rarely gets to 100 in Michigan or Maine, and that's where I spent most of my summers in past years. It's just somehow worked out that nowhere I've lived has had air conditioning. Fortunately, I'm a thermophile. Summer is the one time of year when my hands aren't blocks of ice!

    I'm going to visit my brother in Boston next week for the fourth of July; then I'm going to see a friend in Charlottesville sometime later in July or early August, and might make a stop to see a friend in DC on the way. I'll also be taking a few day trips, probably; I'll be going to NYC tomorrow (slash today), for example, and I feel I should try to visit Philadelphia at least once at some point, too.
    I think that's an acceptable reason to slap "chaos muppet" everywhere you can, sure. Never heard of of "Chaos"--or Canadian Sesame Street (is our version not *good* enough for them or something?).

    Yeah, that's pretty much the nature of breaks--you just never get as much done as you'd hoped and planned to. At least you (I'm guessing) didn't do something like get sucked into playing FFTA2 every waking moment the way I did that one time. Glad it was relaxing for you--relaxing is definitely underrated, even if I berate myself for doing it all the time. :P

    Ah, the Cirque du Soleil thing! How did that end up being? And did you end up getting to take that trip to New York?

    It's all good! I managed China in the summer with no air conditioning, so I'm pretty well set to survive anything. I've somehow managed to never spend a summer with air conditioning before in my life, actually...

    It's going pretty well. I'm still in that starry-eyed stage of my lab work where I haven't come to the soul-crushing realization that I have no hope of ever making a substantial contribution to the realm of human knowledge and will get to spend five or six years staring at DNA sequences in order to figure this out, and in general things are more chill around here during the summer than during the semester. It's remarkable how one's outlook can improve when one isn't spending 30+ hours a week on homework for one class. =/ Have a fair number of travel plans to look forward to this summer, as well. One plan in particular, of course. ;)
    That... is pretty fucking amazing. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm either a chaos muppet or an order muppet. Is there a category for muppets confused about their muppet alignment?

    How's your break going?
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