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  • Glad you like it! I was afraid you might be ticked that I stole all your images and suchlike. (And all those intriguing spoilery things I found in the process of doing so! Hmmm.) It turned out to be a little more work than I expected (witness: a month and a half late), but it wasn't really bad. And it was fun, which is the important part. So happy birthday!

    Anyway, if you like it and actually want to use it, weeee should talk some implementation things and getting it moved onto your own server, because it can't live on mine long-term! Its giant butt is eating all my disk space. :( If there are any quick updates or fixes you want to make to things, though, just let me know; there are some known bugs that I haven't managed to work out yet, but simple data inaccuracies are pretty easy to resolve.
    Well, now the truth comes out! Ta-da~ It's done! Happy nearly-two-months-late birthday!

    Or, you know, "done" to around an alpha-ish level of completion. Don't worry if it takes a noticeable amount of time to load a page; I'm pretty sure that's just because they haven't been cached yet, and will pop up more normally on repeat visits.
    Oh right, like it's not completely obvious what it is already. :P Anyway, Donphan is mispelled as "Donpahn" on the locations list for Route 608.

    I've never actually done anything with Wordpress myself, besides making a couple of throwaway blogs. Is it fun?
    ...isn't that like twice as big as the normal icons?

    I think there may be a "new" version, but I don't think there are any others. Too tired to check right now, though.
    Do you have "thread moved" icons for Bachuru style anywhere, by any chance? They don't seem to be in the batch you sent me way back when.
    omg yes this weekend I swear. I just can't. even. how long this ended up taking.

    Hmm, interesting. Hope they make with the revamp soon; that sounds way more interesting than doing link checks. (Why don't they just use software to do that...?) Good luck with your job apps, too!
    Nah, I believe I've done all the collecting I'll need to do. ;)

    Oh, sure. There's always cool stuff going on, and I'm definitely learning a ton. It's just not very kind on the ol' ego.

    Oh yeah? What kind of an internship?

    Your new team banner is really oohpretty, by the way. I like Auriga's panel best.
    Excellent, thanks.

    Fair to middling, I suppose. Grad school is just so much aaaaangst. How about you? How's the job search going?
    Is addle veil still supposed to be a TM? It's listed as TM142 on the swimmole, meditite, exeggute, and sigilyph lines, but acid rain is listed as being TM142 on most pokemon.
    Well, thinking about project, uni recently dumped group projects on us. Four of them. :( Been a bit busy, haha.

    Haha, I need to keep on top of things, but it's a combination of both finding targets, mustering the courange to contact them and then get a positive response for me. Sorry I've been late replying – the site keeps telling me it's too busy for me to be active every time I come and visit. (Sad times). I should probably post around more though; I'm only motivated by that 2-week thing but I just never feel like I know enough about a topic to input to it, haha.
    Hey. I accidently made two identical user groups. When I first made it as Gildor League Masters Association Headquarters, I had the "Server too busy" message and believed that the group wasnt made. Yet, when I went to make it again, I saw it was made. Could you delete the one with Headquarters for me? Thanks in advanced.
    Projects sound fun. :-) I like the idea of doing a lot of things but at the end of the day, I know that if I do too many things, I become highly unfocussed and feel a bit overwhelmed.

    Yeah, half way there! Hopefully if I work hard enough I'll get a really good degree classification. :-) Haha, proactivity is easier when you set yourself smaller targets, I find. I've been going with a "call 2 places per day" type policy. Perhaps you should consider employing the same technique? :P
    Design agency sounds kind of fun. What would you hope to do there? :o

    My course is 3 years long, so I only have one and a half years to go! I'm really nervous about time passing me by before I can get any solid work experience in place, haha.
    Oh, wow, congratulations on graduating! Hopefully real work will find its way to you soon. Is there anything in particular you're scouting for? I'm currently in my 2nd year of university. Looking for work experience around farms and stuff for the holidays, so that I can hopefully get into vet school properly in London!
    Oh, hello. I can't help but notice that it is your birthday today and that I have not spoken to you in an absolute age; as such this might be a prime opportunity to contact you. Happy birthday. How's life going?
    Oh, alright :3 Maybe we can try to get to know each other. I just don't know what to ask...umn...favorite color/food/pokemon/video games? *isn't sure*
    Ah, yeah, I don't think it went through. I was wondering about a database structured along the lines of a SQL thing... I didn't know if the wiki was just some templates that pulled information from a database the way veekun does it, or if each page was stored individually. That's too bad, then, but thanks for answering! I thought it would be fun to be able to look up some things the way you can on veekun, like how many pokémon in New Logora can learn fly or if any have the ability mold breaker and also learn earthquake, etc.
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