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  • Oh, I meant that it wasn't so bad because it's the first week and it's an easy week. Which means I couldn't tell if the classes were really hard or not, since they were easy, because it's the first week. Does that make sense? I'm sorry I'm not being very clear.

    For summer homework I had to make 200 flash cards, read 6 books, and write essays about said books. Then I had to write another essay on US presidents, which apparently the person who read it liked it. (The teacher had us evaluate other people's essays) Odd. I wrote that half-asleep. XD
    Hehe, your icon makes me laugh. I always like your icons~

    I'm good, thanks. Not up to much, it has to be said. Mostly staying up late and watching random crap on youtube. And yourself?
    Ooh, that sounds cool~

    I wish we had something like that, but eh.

    Your AP classes don't really sound like our AP classes. No summer homework? I thought AP classes were supposed to be insanely hard, harder than college itself.
    Oh, we need a recommendation too. Got some. I was already in the class, but if you don't do the summer work, they take you out.
    Oh, some issue. I sent my summer homework to the teacher's e-mail as said on the school website. However, it turned out that that e-mail address didn't work, so he never got it, and he took me off the list for the AP class. (Because to be in AP, you have to turn in your summer homework)

    So I was in regular class. Then I went to see him and he took me straight down to the scheduling people and they put me back in the class. It was strange, he didn't even ask me for any evidence that I e-mailed it, just said that he believed me. Hmm, must've been the look on my face. I probably looked really worried.
    Block scheduling? Oh god, I'm not a fan of it. I don't think I could sit in one class for 85 minutes and not fall asleep, I don't have the attention span.

    Obviously, we don't do block scheduling at my school. Classes are about 45 minutes or something and we have all seven of them every day. I had only gotten one hour of sleep, because I didn't want to go to sleep early, so I just sat there in a coma listening to teachers blah on about classroom stuffs. And then they screwed up my schedule, so I spent the whole day freaking out about that. Got it fixed eventually though.
    I highly doubt it'll get that far. It's really weak. And it pretty much passed over us already. Where I live, hurricanes are common. The south, yeah. They usually just fizzle out around Cuba or something, but every one and then one will come barging in here. But I haven't seen any big, huge strong ones, so it's all good.

    But how was school?
    Good, good, except for the fact that school's started. D: Yesterday was the first day, but today I had a day off due to a hurricane they thought was going to hit, but tommorow I have to go back since everything's cleared up. D<
    Because it's the first time I've taken AP classes, so I expect I'll have no life with all the work they'll give me.
    Um, I go back in August 18 or something like that. And I really am dreading it.

    Gah, I wish my school was like yours. They're tightening up, making things harder, at mine.
    You're lucky, you don't have a lot of work~ (But I'm in AP, so this is to be expected.)

    Thank you, I'm glad you like it! Yes, it's from The Office. ^^
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