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  • Hi!^^ I hope we can be friends da name's Jirachu its a pleasure ta meet ya :3 *extend's paw adorably...=)*
    (but what is a q?)

    just be careful about your first few games. i'd suggest just selecting the mute option on everyone because people rage and give off a very bad vibe to the game. it gets better once you climb levels though.

    it's either very addicting or an instant "no thank you" in my opinion.
    I'm a little better, but. (I don't remember the last time I've been sick for over a few days straight... >:c )

    Coding's going okay! It's on this site.
    yeah i still text silver every now and then.

    league of legends. and don't get me wrong, i still can relax and stuff. nothing happens though. it's boring.
    maybe because of school?

    oh, that's good to hear. i've only been playing one video game for the past year now. other than that it's sleep, eat, school.
    i didn't realise it had been nine months.

    i'm doing well! nothing too exciting or boring, just ordinary stuff.. you?
    How are you?

    I'm here, being sick and comforting myself via obsessive HTML/CSS coding, y'know.
    I thought that you'd seen my thread!

    Well, I'm just having a really hard time making friends and all of the ones that I had are really unrelateable right now. :c
    Screw nostalgia, it sounds like it's pretty and character development = <3 Also I heard that things evolve mid-dungeon. \o/

    Yeah. I'm that sort of person who goes "I'm bored. let's write ourselves up a little algebraic equation hehe" which doesn't help me at all but whatever. One time I saw this girl at church (she was ~16) crying in the row behind me and I turned around to say hi and she went "Who the f... are you?" Mewtini doesn't have the heart to type swears. And I was like "...welp, just trying to help :c"

    Mm, okay.

    Yeah... the people I know are mostly from going to church, and our church is an an area where somehow the kids are especially clique-y, so eh.

    If I double message it's like "Hi how are you" at, say, 1:30PM and at 2PM the next day I go "I want to remessage this person but ; ;" So I'm not a every two minutes person, but.
    RtB I know we havent talked in a while but please help me my crush is online on facebook right now and I don't know what to say.
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