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  • no that doesn't work before he's alive

    I know how do you think it is when I've done it for years
    we don't have a division below states, but we go from state to new england, I think it goes? not too sure about that, though.
    :DDD scioly, we didn't start participating in science olympiad until last year and we failed miserably (under 50 percentile at state level :&&&) but ... eh.

    (hm do you do usnco, is that a thing, does your local acs chapter run it)
    well, I can't really guess what year of chemistry; history generally gets taught either chronologically or by theme, and the long telegram is specific enough and late enough chronologically (kennan, cold war, that one, right?) that I can't imagine it would be covered at the beginning of a first year of us history. chemistry, though, is ... there are a lot of places you could start with in chemistry. I happen to think thermodynamics and structure are foundational, but there are lots of ways to approach chemistry.

    anyway since I'm blocking on your response in bma main thread, so that's a thing.

    (and ... hm maybe I should get back to metalos on that cryptography thing. hm.)
    this one was the fishplace, possibly you never used that ... yeah, bfa was fun while the fun lasted but it really was such a train wreck of the sudden collision and things breaking down sort.

    (ugh forums)
    this is unrelated, but were you ever at the fishplace? the druddigon was yours, but I don't see an account for you, were you just not there or did you have a different name?
    result: the two are on the floor outside the ring, priscilla failed and they all passed through the ~abomination~ (which slowed them down considerably) but priscilla hasn't realised that.

    also, feel free to snark at "I think something’s wrong"; please do.
    and if priscilla, believing the ~abomination~ to be a cosmic horror to avoid touching at all costs, forces the fluid now surrounding the ~abomination~ to solidify, resulting in a presumably rather painful collision, would it be reasonable for both to end up on the floor, perhaps with the possibly absurd image of a small girl-child tapping her umbrella-cane, loudly announcing, "what do you think you're doing there, young man? ... actually, can we do that, that would be kind of amusing. (even if not, how much of that would be acceptable to you?)
    :DDD I'm okay with that.

    so wait, thomas is jumping in the direction of the ~abomination~ expecting to ... knock priscilla out of the ring? I can't imagine the collision would be very elastic, it would probably involve both tumbling out of the ring, but shouldn't the gravity from the ~abomination~ kind of impede that.
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