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  • the effort is still visible from the facial expression, though, right, that's all that's necessary for my descriptions to make sense. but um my "plan" for cancelling the field is to plug it until it stops; priscilla apparently reacts strongly to the physics here, though!

    and okay, in the future I'll go with "about half a meter".
    so I figured, since thomas needs "a feeling of intense rage or frustration, or intense concentration", that he'd have a look of intense constipation.

    also, I figured applying extreme pressure would be the appropriate interaction if you turned on the gravity but the gases wouldn't move.

    also, couldn't figure out how large a beach ball size was supposed to be.
    (well, priscilla is kind of younger than ... everyone, apparently.)

    bah, you people have school computers, too? ... although wait, are they, like, computers that are issue by the school, or computers that are in the school that they just let you use while you're there ... also wait what time zone are you again.
    well, go ahead, post when convenient, and we'll see how this goes without planning it, then. messily, quite likely, but we'll see. (but why particularly fighting a girl and more so one like priscilla?)

    I'll note priscilla would almost certainly be thrown off-guard by anomaly appearing nearby, though.
    it's okay, I am putting in way too little effort to remain actually accurate.

    well perfectly efficient is a bit hard to demonstrate, but.
    well, quasiplausible, I was expecting it to be actually totally impossible. (people keep focusing on the gases part, the important part is the thermodynamics, the gases are just a concession to the mechanics.)

    ... although since your abominations' entropy can be exactly related with the area of their event horizons, that is one potential interaction.

    the fact that priscilla's power acts as one, yes.
    well, I will be certain that Priscilla's power will respond poorly with your overtly nonphysical abomination, but if you would, could you perhaps imagine a quasiplausible interaction? (because I've tried, and it probably should be something just as nonphysical as your ~abomination~, but I'm not super-imaginative.)

    this is mildly interesting; contested, but, ah, screw proper scientific procedure, I'm breaking enough actual actual physics as it is.

    the other question is, how should this thomas lang feel about a perfectly-efficient carnot-equivalent engine-heatpump?
    when I speak of the second law, it's usually safe to assume I mean the second law of thermodynamics. opposite reaction is usually newton's third, though when I refer to third laws, it's usually clarke's. (the first law would be conservation of energy, but tends to require more disambiguation.)

    I think I figured that at least one of the momentum conservations had to be broken in addition to energy conservation and the second law. I mean, the second law is more a statistical phenomenon, but still.
    for posterity:

    2013-08-12 23:38 en: also there are clearly at least two conservation laws being violated here in addition to the second law
    2013-08-12 23:33 en: well mostly rtb
    2013-08-12 23:32 en: (it would totally be a good idea if I complain that others' powers are ~anomalous~ and ~don't make sense~ and are ~disrupting my calculations~ right)
    LOVELY. I'll be waiting eagerly. The RP itself, if it does start tomorrow, will probably start later. (Maybe... 22-23 hours from now?)
    i guess. kinda sorta

    i've been well. nothing has really happened lately, so there's that. (and i don't watch doctor who lol :c)

    I notice things I don't usually notice because he's my only friend! It's cool and disturbing at the same time.
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