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  • Thats cool xP Ohh. Sorry for the late reply,too. Havent really been on that much lately..D: But yeaah. Nice XD
    that would make sense.

    But yeah. 4/13 is John's birthday, the day it Homestuck starts, um, and a bunch of other stuff.
    it's just like, the only number in Homestuck.

    All the countdowns are set to some variation of it, there are four kids that are all thirteen, etc., etc., etc.!!!
    guess what?

    A standard deck of playing cards has four suits and thirteen cards in each suit. ITS 413!!!
    I can remember a battle I reffed (not a lot of those!) where Superbird used 10 stat-ups, without knowing of Stored Power, then realized that Natu could use it, which did 30% damage each. Ouch.

    Everyone has a unique style for everything, believe it or not. Music, art, and yes, even math.
    Eh. Just to get a rough idea of your skill and style.

    And to open a conversation, because I suck at those.
    Phew. I don't have to write like that anymore!


    So, with whom was your last tournament battle?
    Finally, done. It would have taken a lot less time if I didn't refuse to stick to the same theme for songs.
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