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    Dude, Ampharos beat Grass King. What's so scary about him? Kratos Aurion, on the other hand...

    Personally, I use my own scale with a horribly complicated, but comprehensive, formula. It gives the same as Kratos Aurion's calculator most of the time :/ At least it makes me look significantly more sophisticated than I actually am.
    Neg wasn't the first to conceive of "Animé-style battling", and neg isn't the best at it either, though neg's pretty darn close to both. I'd hate to be you if you were battling her.
    We'll see if I get lucky (like I did with my battle with Ampharos) and maybe last this round. Probably not.

    With who do you think you're going to be paired for round three?
    In hindsight, I should have used my Buizel or Slowpoke. After writing the movepools out and thinking about possible strategies, I noticed that the set of Froslass' movepool (let's call it A) is a proper superset of Delibird's movepool (B) so that A ⊋ B. In other words, A U B = A, or A ∩ B = B.

    That was when I realized that try as I might, I'd lose.
    I believe I'm done for. Thank you for the game. Dammit, me thinking that everyone else is an idiot and severely underestimating you.
    Hey, RtB. I need girl advice. Something to help me in the long run. You see, I really want to impress this new girl in my school.
    I want it so bad xD How is it?

    Ugh, school starts on Wednesday for me, and right after I have to wrestle xD
    asdfghjkl; jealous :c

    Mine was alright. All I really did was go shopping a little and prepare for stuff.
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