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  • You should try it again! Aw, too bad :/ It's alright! We all get busy sometime. And by next week do you mean this week, or next week?

    Night, Bladey! It's fine :3
    Ooh! If you do find one of Jade or Sollux, or possibly Aradia tell me! :D

    But don't you like the Gardevoir? D:
    I'm pretty sure :3 (I think you gave it to me before it just got buried in VM's)
    Around 430 or 5, I'm staying after school for our final Battle of the Books practice and my sister will get me from there :3 She has wi-fi! :DD
    I'm sorry for not replying Bladey, I haven't felt up to responding to VM's cuz they get so piled up DX But I'm going to my sister's on thursday so I think we'll be able to trade then :3 I love how things just sort themselves out :3
    Thanks. If I think of it, my sister sat on the keys...I think that's all. Sorry, Blade.
    Wait, I typed it, but I didn't mean to put it in 'cause at the last minute, I ditched it. How did I press 'Go'? Really, I ditched it realizing it sounded stupid.
    Because I've seen her call you Bladey. And ohemmgee I'm shipping Blade/Silver now.
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