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  • Hey Blade. When you get back, I got your sprite. I PMed you and Legendaryseeker99 about it. Enjoy!
    D: I won't be nosy and ask what it was about...but I hope it fixes itself! *hugs*

    Well, it's morning now, but. Good morning now! :3 *hugs back*
    Haha, I can keep character well :3 Look at all the roleplays I've done! :3

    GG: but how
    GG: how do you know her???
    GG: isnt she
    GG: you know famous??
    GG: well im sure john will tell me how this plays out
    GG: : )
    It makes me laugh a little when you do though :3

    GG: well...
    GG: maybe you could...
    GG: oh! i know!!
    GG: give him some betty crocker gushes!
    GG: and dont tell him they are betty crockers!
    GG: or give him some cookies or cake
    GG: hi!!
    GG: yeah i am
    GG: im trying to finish reading so i dont have to worry about tom sawyer anymore!

    It's weird to see you type/talk that that :3 It seems so unnatural for you :3
    Finnick was my favorite :( And so was Cinna, why'd he have to go and die too :(
    maybe we'll make it to regionals...I hope so.

    What about the Nintendo 64 one?

    GG: its just...
    GG: i know these things
    GG: i dont know the source of it all!!
    They killed off Prim and Finnick ;-; I liked Finnick...don't know what to say...
    I think I've only read like, 8 books of 27...we're screwed at ths compitition.

    I've played the old colloseum. Go Vulpix! :-3

    GG: maybe you should think it through before you do something
    GG: you never know the consequences to an action
    I just looked it up :3

    Omigosh, yessssss. I love those books :'D Did you read the third one? Huh...
    I just found my list in one of my books...

    Me too, and my Dragon Quest game.

    GG: but if you kill him twice
    GG: then how will you bring him to life again????
    I doooo! :3 Uh...well, I don't know then. I get my supply of manga books from the library.
    I gave up when I didn't find it.

    I must be a main part of it though...

    GG: uh
    GG: fine i diiiiiiiid!!!
    GG: but it didnt wake me up
    GG: just dont drink anymore applejuiceeeee!!!
    TG: just sitting around
    TG: chilling with myself
    TG: but hes alll bird like
    TG: and he has a cheap sword stuck through him
    TG: hes still awesome though
    TG: this is really confusing
    TG: fucking paradoxical
    TG: but its so awesome
    AT: ummm.
    AT: its not confusingg.
    AT: actually it is now that i think about itt.
    AT: but whateverr.
    AT: not muchh.
    AT: just sitting here listening to musicc.
    AT: how about youu?
    Hm. Hope you get enough money. Also go for a bit extra. NOVA and NOVA 2 equal about 12 bucks alltogether.
    It's only 8, 16, 32, or 64 gig. I have a 32 gig iPod touch 4g and it's already almost filled up. And I just posted my Angry Birds Review if you want to take a look at that, as well.
    I just started the first one, so not too far in it. Wouldn't you think you could find manga books in, oh lets say, the public library?
    I'm going to find the list for all the books we were supposed to read for Battle of the Books.

    Am I a distraction?

    GG: ha! i wont fall for that again!
    GG: if i put my hand out ill hit myself on the right!
    GG: so ill do what you said considering i cant hit myself this time!!
    GG: ...
    GG: .......
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