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  • That's true...*takes phone*

    *I thought so...(Whoo! Money!)*

    *what? ...oh, I was just saying that. Don't take offence Bladey D: (*smacks even harder* saying that won't help.) ((but still, what is 'it'? *kisses back again*))

    I didn't think she would do it though.

    ((I do.))

    ||| YES. YAY FOR BLADEY! *hugs back* |||



    It's awesome. Yes. :3
    They're funny and I like reading them. That poor little Squirtle x3
    What the...you can keep the phone.

    *can you think of another one? (you made some back at least)*

    *I know. It makes you believe you did a good job :3* (*smacks harder* }:( ) ((Waitwaitwait, explain 'it' before I think something else. *kisses back*))

    I told you she said that stuff too.

    ((possibly. Risk it!))

    ||| *blinks* WELL, EXCUSE ME. AND THEY LIKED TO SHOOT THE ONE GUY TOO :3 *hugs back* |||


    But you had school yesterday.

    Awesome. :3 And did you know you got me addicted to "Super Effective"? Damn you.
    What...? *hands phone to Blade* Here, you take it.

    *What? (Ah, good way to make the money back.)*

    *ok! Your welcome Bladey! (yes! With a little less flame though.) i know! Like this: [].* (*smack*) ((I know :) *kisses back again*))

    I...I don't know. Ask her.

    ((why not you?))


    No, you just did :3

    Ha! Yeah, but I was two days behind.
    Then how'd you know she wanted to speak to me?

    *yay! We found the point! (Haa...did you return the other copy?)*

    *I haven't put anything on there yet, but I'll give you the URL, silverbladez.deviantart.com , I couldn't think of another username... It's good! The backround would be better then I could do when I do scratch sprites...(whoo! If only Cyndaglade could be used as a refference...) Oh, alright! That happens a lot.* (yeah. Good Bladey.) ((You made it sound like a bad thing! *kisses back again*))

    Did you see her status today...?

    ((:O! Possibly...))


    The0n ho01 do0 y+ou ex0plain this?!

    I know...
    What did she say?

    *maybe there was a point to this...but we don't know it. (...}:/)*

    What the hell...*calls back president* ...no answer }:( *suspicious*

    *...I never gave it to you...oooh! *claps* It looks good :3 (I kinda did the colors differently...but, oh well.) Maybe I should draw a backround for it...* (be paitent!) ((Bladey, that's a good thing! Haha, :3 *kisses back*))

    I have no idea...mabye my friend did it.

    ((I...Don't know.))

    ||| HEHE! :3 *hugs back* |||

    But then 0 would in0vade!

    ...lucky. Today was weird. I thought it was Monday.
    What the...? *answers* Hello? *starts singing Firework* Oh! I like that song :D

    *wait a second...(inorite...I just...*facepalm*)*

    Maybe he didn't know I called the first time. I didn't leave a message.

    *YAY! You still have to wait. I need to put it on dA, along with other photos, and that will be most likely Thursday or Friday, so be paitent. (yes, but you still have to wait.) ((You know what I meant. Hm...want to have a contest to see who breaks first? :3 It'll be fun. *kisses back*))

    Yes...and some were put there by you.

    ((It's possible they don't know either.))

    ||| BLADEY BLADEY :3 *hugs back again* |||

    May2be. Wha2t i2f the -22 inv2ades lik2e t2h2e 2?

    And also...no school. Stupid ice. I did it for nothing }:|
    ...*looks at number again* Oh, wait. That's a 2 not a 3...*redials number*

    *whoo! Pointlessness. (I did...I thought it was my Kirby game.)*

    Oh...but why would he be racsit?

    *gahh. I finished my picture though! :D* ((*kisses back again* I wonder if we could go a whole day without kissing...))

    Yeah, yeah...

    ((0-0 I have no clue...))

    ||| YOUR WELCOME BLADEY! *hugs* ||| (That's...weird and awesome at the same time! :D Mini calls me Silvy too! :3)

    Oh cr2ap...it'2s a s2talker2!

    We have no homework :3
    Yeah...*calls different number* Here you go.

    *I thought so...(It...was in my DS...*facepalm*)*

    I thought we were talking about Banette.

    *:D Will I get to see it then?* ((*kisses back again* Doesn't really matter. *shrug*))


    ((I don't either.))

    ||| AW. AND BLADEY IS TOO :3 *hugs back again* |||

    Evi2l two...

    Yep! I'm happy that I did.
    So funny I forgot to laugh?

    *and that would be...? (I already checked. What the hell...?)


    *I am too. I'll figure it out eventually.* ((*kisses back again* Heh, maybe we do kiss too much.))

    /maybe/ it was there before.

    ((You expect Silver to have an idea?))

    ||| AWW. SILVER IS NOT. *hugs back* |||

    ...O-O *attacks 2*

    And my mom is forcing me to do it ;-;
    ...harr harr.

    *me either...(I...don't think so.)*

    ...what the hell.

    Yes, but he probably knew I would want one too.

    *gaaah! Impaitent person is me...* ((*kisses back again*))



    ||| BLADEY IS TOO SWEET :D *hugs back* |||

    Holy crap! There it is agi2an!

    I think I'll finish it in the morning, my eyes are hurting from the math. O-O
    ...haha, very funny.

    *wait, there was a purpose to this? (I wonder where I put it...)*

    ...how come he answered when you called?

    Yep! He wouldn't poison me!

    *what is it?* ((*kisses back again*))

    You have no proof of this.


    ||| AW...THANK YOU BLADEY! *hugs back* |||

    The two come from no where...

    And now! Homework I put off for three days! (I'm sure it is.)
    Strange...I called that number and they answered.

    *.........................(aand I just realized I need to find my game first.)*


    I'm sure they're not. Cuz I ate one.

    *idea...?* ((*kisses back again*))

    Yes I'm sure.

    ((it is.))

    ||| BUT YOU AREN'T SOUR... |||

    O.o That's creepy.


    I'm almost done outlining them. (good, you know ^^) (yeah.)
    ...prove it.

    *......(I must get it. :D)*

    Here, *hands number*

    Yay! *eats candy*

    *you forgot the tail...* ((*kisses back again*))

    You put them there.

    ((you deserved it.))

    ||| OOH! KIWIS ARE SWEET :3 YOUR WELCOME *hugs back* |||

    :DDD!!!!!!!!!- Wait, where'd the two come from?


    Yep! I had it drawn already, I was just making sure if I needed any alterations. (You are impaitent.) (typing and drawing/coloring at the same time.)
    Fine. *calls number* Here, it's for you.

    *.....(grr. Good Blade :3)*

    you call him too.


    *yes, the charizard tail!* ((*kisses back*))

    ((*smacks Blade hard* That's what you get. ))

    ||| HEHE! ^-^ |||


    Too bad you can't buy it with ASB money.

    Almost done :3 (Good ^^) (...shutup, I'm multitasking!)
    ...I bet if you call it, someone will answer.

    *...(Hwo do you get it in the first place? Yes.)*



    *:3 I almost forgot Silver's tail! :O* ((*kisses again*))

    Who put them there? }:| *smacks on head*

    ((Yep ^^))




    I know! I have a good image in my mind. (be paitent!) (...what...oh, yeah.)
    ...*gives fake number on sticky note*

    *:3 Good Bladey. (How do you do that?)*

    Yeah but still. This was important.

    ...I wouldn't open anymore.

    *I like how its turned out so far :3* ((*kisses*))

    Still, you put a bad image in Silver's mind.

    ((I bet you do...))

    ||| I WONDER HOW LONG I'VE LIKED BLADEY...*thinks* |||

    ...? :D!!!?


    It must be colored! (not yet, soon I think.) (Well, cuz I just told you!)
    ...no. I don't trust you with them.

    *yea, so don't do it again.(well, I lost my game...so it's still level 5...)*

    *walks back* He didn't answer...

    ...maybe open that one too.

    *nono, when they're about to kiss :3* ((*kisses back again*))

    *thinks* ...! *blushes* And you said I have a dirty mind! *smacks Blade*

    (( D: ))

    ||| YAY! THAT'S A HAPPY THING :3 |||

    Yes what? :D?

    It was funny :3

    Ok! Now I can continue my picture! (Dooo you?)
    Yo. so, I've been doing a l'il bit of research, and I've discovered that you and Cloudsong are bros. Now, I've decided to take the next six months to make Cloudy a fantabulous welcome-back gift. The problem? I don't know what it should be. I haven't conversed with Cloudsong that much. Would you be willing to help me out here? Thanks!
    This team doesn't...I have my contacts.

    *making a sign. (well, mine was obtained first.)*

    Hm...! *goes to call president*

    ...see what's in it. Maybe a Shuppet.

    *and what do you know, exactly?* ((*kisses back again*))

    ...other circumstances...? Speak now.

    ((are you just trying to confuse Silver?))

    ||| HOW LONG? :3 |||


    Heheh...grandmas a black belt.

    What if he's like...blushing or something?
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