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  • Destroy! *calls the bomb squad*

    *...you started it. (but mine will have a star in it's name!)*

    Let's see...who should we tell to fire them?

    *looks at pokeball* ...it's not mine. Is it one of yours?

    *heheh...you'll see.* ((yep! *kisses back*))

    "I thought so" What'd you think?

    ((did you? or are you lying?))

    ||| I KNEW IT! :DD |||


    It was funny :3

    So, his arms are all on fire or can it be just to his elbows, and the crest on his head, around it would be flames, or around his whole head? Cuz all I have right now is a spliced Gerdevoir in the picture, and a plain Gallade.
    Did you lose? D:

    **makes a picture of future RP scene* *rips new sign* (But mine will be raised nicknamed Cloudsong*!)*

    we should go fire them or something.

    *Banette comes back with pokeball* ...alright, whose pokeball is that?

    *random non-subject related thing: I'm making a picture of one of the plot points in the RP :3* ((*thinks* :3 Yes.))

    Your welcome Bladey. And what exactly did you think? (I got a strange answer from River when I asked him this.)

    ((Nope! Haven't noticed. :3))

    ||| BUT YOU STILL LIKE ME! :3 |||


    *hugs back again* It was a black belt grandma, it was a much watch one.

    Also, can I have your description on what Leon looks like? I'm doing something with him. :3

    *I ripped your sign. :3 (mine will be raised slowly and with care!)*

    Exactly what I think.

    Ba! *takes twix and disappears* ...he's happy.


    *I usually never see it on.* ((yes?))

    Aw. That's sweet. I only would if I was drunk! So there.

    ((...huh. I haven't noticed.))



    One of them I have class with, but I should be able to avoid her. :O Poor Bladey :( *hugs Blade* I usually only vent to one person...and it depends on who I'm talking to at the time. Silver feels a little better by watching 1,000 ways to die. Heheh, black belt grandma.

    *}:) (well, excuuuse me. Well, mine will be raised with love!)*

    Crazy school board.

    Explain that to him. *Banette looking up at Blade in anticipation*


    *meh, maybe.* ((hm...I guess your forgiven.))

    I was going to say if Silver took her shirt off now you would still kiss her. But I won't do that to Blade! Mental Note: ...maybe.

    ((I do...?))

    ||| HM...PROBABLY NOT ^-^ |||


    Yeah, I guess, but she just needs to leave me alone. And her short little miget friend needs to, too. How does Blade know :/? But I find it easier to vent if I tell someone about it or something. ...I do want to blow something up now :D. *hugs back*
    What? Whattt??

    **rips* (Mine will! It's been raised from level 2 to...5.)*

    I know. That's just stupid.

    This one has Insomnia.


    *I don't know this. I don't watch it.* ((Your being mean to Silver :( ))

    I don't, it was a simple question from New Year's. Soo, if-...nah, won't do that to you.

    ((so, your saying I start stuff just so I win?))

    ||| MAYBE I DO, MAYBE I DON'T :3 |||


    He believes me. She's the one whose telling me I'm lying to him when they're trying to be friends again, when he is even more angry then me. And her little friend burst into our conversation and I almost slapped her too. I told her to, and I quote, "Shut the fuck up before I smack you bitch." So, Silver's not in the best of moods atm. I feel spiteful again.
    ...no. Should I?


    **smashes sign* Now what? (Ooh! Good idea. But I had it first. So a win for me!)*

    Inorite. And they only missed three days.

    ...you have a Twix bar. He likes Twix. :3


    **smacks Blade* No more kisses for you.* ((*stops kissing* Bad Blade.))

    If you like to kiss Silver with her shirt off.

    ((are you saying I always start things? D:))

    |||| I NOW SEE THREE :3 |||

    Me too! :D

    She has no right to start with me. If you hear I get suspended on Tuesday, you'll understand why.
    It's very hard. I think I have a dime somewhere...

    Whatever you say, Bladey-boy. :3

    *Yep. (Heyy...you took my idea }:| )*

    And some places have to make the missed days up on Monday too. We don't :3

    ...! *whispers to Banette* Ba? *Banette walks up and hugs Blade* Ha.


    *exactly. :3* ((*runs out of words for kisses again, but you get the point.*))

    *sells Blade's lawyer to some shifty looking people and smashes cell phone* And now, you can answer :3

    ((did I?))

    ||| I COUNTED THREE. *kisses again* |||

    I did.

    And I have proof and everything she cheated. I even showed the one boy it, and he's saying that she has been lying to hiim too much too.
    Think of when you get money and see something you want at that price, it's then gone.

    Maybe I will let you win...sometimes :3

    *I let you. :3 (Cloudsong*)*

    At least we have off Monday!

    I said air hug.


    *I let you win Bladey.* ((*continues to kiss back*))

    We all make stupid mistakes. *locks lawyer in the closet* And now, he's gone :3

    ((Cuz...I don't know...did you start it?))

    ||| BUT I WON THREE TIMES IN A ROW, YES? ^^ *keeps kissing back* |||

    I have an idea, it may not work though...

    Actually, it was pretty good til a little while ago. Some girl came up to me saying I was lying to her ex, when I know my facts, and she's the one who cheated on him. So she has no right to say anything and I almost slapped her really, really hard.

    I'll win <3

    *oh yeah...(btu I want one for Cloudy.)

    But you don't have school.

    It could if you tried.


    *your point?*((yep~ <3 *kisses back*))

    Can't you talk for yourself? *pushes lawyer away*

    ((I know~))

    ||| SILVER WINS *continues kissing back* |||

    I DID~

    I'm at my friends house, talk to you tomorrow~ <3
    Not for me.

    I did thid round! ^^

    *it is if we're talking about the brain. (it is if you haven't gotten it yet.)*

    ...what the hell. We have a two hour delay.

    Air hug?

    I know :3

    *then why is it called 'eevee'lution?*((hm...nope! ^-^))

    What's this? Aren't you allowed to talk for yourself anymore :D?


    ||| BUT NOT THIS TIME! ^-^ *continues to kiss* |||

    You are the one who has to get that money together.

    Exactly. ^-^

    *and a muscle.(Pidgeys are hard to train D:)*

    I think we have school tomorrow...but that'll probably change.

    ...hug him?

    *looks at Blade* What?

    *they wouldn't be eeveelutions without Eevee though.*((*kisses back* Think we kiss each other too much?))

    Y-yea, but I only kissed you on the cheek! Maybe you liked kissing Silver with her shirt off.

    ((I know this.))

    ||| TEEHEE! *continues to kiss back* |||

    Yep, don't doubt it.
    ...good luck with that.

    Cuz it won.

    *then what is the brain? (yeah, lets go with that.)*

    I know. The roads aren't even frozen.

    You should be nicer to it. :3

    Good choice! :3 *goes to plot*

    *my favorite eeveelution is Eevee.* ((*continues to kiss back*))

    I'm not either. Blade is the one who kissed Silver not on the cheek first.

    ((But it was your, not mine.))

    ||| SO WHY HAVE I WON SO FAR? ^^ *kisses back* |||

    It'll still be conflict, Gredia's going to be pissed.
    And how much would the leftover be?

    My logic wins again 8)

    *technology from the brain. (...he had a magic one somewhere?)*

    ...I'm starting to question our days off. Got off tomorrow too...what the hell.

    *walks up to Banette* Can I have the bat please? *Hands the bat* ^-^

    *yells* Nope! It never does! For you!

    *then you can't have an espeon.* ((I haven't either. It's common sense...*kisses back*))

    *points to above* See? ^^


    ||| YEP! SEE? *kisses Blade* |||

    Conflict! :O
    *hugs Blade*

    HAHA! *shot*

    *yea, technology from the brain :3 (Maybe he used his Pidgey to use magic.)*


    Hm...*sends out Banette* ...he still has his bat.


    *what about Eevee? It starts it all.* ((*stops kissing* You breathe through your nose silly!))


    ((I still have a hammer. But it could've been put to a good cause!))


    Your welcome ^^

    But those people don't really change, they just act like it.

    *music was created by technology. (Cloudy does have free time, he's homeschooled :3)*

    That would've helped too :3

    *takes pokeball* ...how did you catch him if he was mine? And where's his bat?

    I see :3 ...*lightbulb* ...}:3

    *...it's higher up on the list then I though.* ((*keeps kissing back*) and now you are scarred with that image?)


    ((and whose fault is it that I broke it?))


    *replies* Oh yeah, go to the RP if you haven't already.
    *pats Blade's head*

    Now why would Silver change? Don't you like Silver the way she is :3?

    *Hehee. (HAHAHAAHAA- *shot*)*

    Did you watch the weather first?

    *smacks Blade on the head* My Banette. }:|

    But I still did! :3

    *....}:|*((*continues to kiss back*) And whose fault is that?)

    I still did though :3

    ((*glares at Blade*...*throws pokeball at him*))


    *goes to look*
    ...you win.

    Didn't you notice? 83

    *I wanted to see if you would say it too :3 (...uh-huh.)*

    That would be Blade like, wouldn't it?

    *Banette chases* See what the logic has done?!

    Haha, Silver made Blade confused!

    *...you don't like Umbreon as much as Espeon.* ((*continues to kiss back*) I saw, and you're going to be embarrssed cuz you wanted to know.)

    But Silver still won! ^^

    ((*takes logic* ...*attempts to smash with hammer*) Already got it.)


    Cuz I don't think I got it...
    The camera on mine has some weird fleck on it.

    You should've known this! Silly Blade!

    *Ha, I knew you'd say that. (...are you saying Silver isn't a good battler?)*

    Yea. Cuz it'll make it snow again!

    *Banette comes back with a bat* ...what can logic do here?

    That's why it's a concensus.

    *...what.* ((*continues to kiss back*) I forgot about my email, go check it if you haven't already.)


    ((...just for a second...) ok, and w00t!)


    ...did I reply?
    That's a plus :3

    Ok, Silver can help it but she doesn't want to. :3

    *Yes! Get a laptop instead of an Ipod x3 (I don't know. But I still have my Feraligatr, traded it to my brother-in-law to save him)*

    You never know. Take the PJ's, and put them inside out and weat them like that.

    ...}:| *Banette walks away* Screw your logic.

    I don't like tea and you don't like coffee.

    *and Umbreon?* ((*kisses back*) wOOt!)

    See, my logic wins.

    ((...can I SEE YOUR LOGIC FOR A SECOND?) woot.)


    Did you?
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